"Maybe I should be saying that to you," Jenna responded, angling towards the camera. "We're actually in Kasia's beautiful hotel room right now."

"Not bad, is it?" Kasia laughed as she glanced around the presidential suite.

"Not bad at all," Jenna agreed. Clapping her hands together, she faced them more directly and hardened her gaze as though she meant business. "Now, you two have been working extremely hard the past couple months to prepare for this tour, which I believe opens in a week. Is that correct?"

Kasia nodded. "Yep."

"And you're playing Madison Square Garden?"

Kasia smiled dreamily at the mention of the venue. Madison Square Garden was one of her favorite places to perform. Ever since she first started out in the music business, it had been a dream to one day perform there, and when she was eighteen, she'd finally gotten the chance. The fact the iconic venue had sold out for the opening night of her tour was beyond amazing.

"Yes," Kasia grinned, "I'm so excited."

"Now you've played there before," Jenna continued, "But Xavier, this is your first time. Are you nervous?"

"Well, yeah," he admitted, smiling sheepishly. He had a way of speaking with gestures which was absolutely mesmerizing and Kasia watched the movement of his wide palms and long fingers in utter fascination. "That venue is so huge, so iconic. Of course I'm worried that I'll mess up and forget a lyric or something. But at the same time, I'm looking forward to it. I think it's one of the top places every musician dreams of performing at."

Jenna nodded, shifting her gaze back to Kasia for agreement.

Kasia blinked to pull herself out of her trance and smiled widely. "He's going to be fucking amazing."

Jenna's eyes widened at shock at the profanity and Kasia briefly considered apologizing before coming to the conclusion that she'd meant exactly what she'd said. She glanced sideways to see Xavier's reaction and was pleasantly surprised to see his lips kinked into an amused smirk as he held in laughter.

"That's great," Jenna stammered as she struggled to regain her composure, sitting up a little straighter and taking a deep breath in. "So how exactly did this start? How did you guys meet and decide to tour together."

There was the million-dollar question. They couldn't exactly admit to Xavier being asked on tour in an effort to clean up Kasia's image, so she kept the smile on her face as she racked her brain for the best possible answer.

Xavier stepped in first, producing a lie based somewhat on the truth. "She came to one of my shows with a friend."

Kasia nodded and played along. "Yes, one of my girlfriends is a huge fan, so she kind of dragged me along to see him and I was very impressed, so I told my manager we should see what he's doing this summer."

"That's cute," Jenna smiled softly and Kasia let out a sigh of relief.

"So are you guys fans of each other's music?"

Kasia nodded immediately. She'd listened to Xavier's album after she learned about the agreement and almost instantly fell in love with his music.

"Of course," she replied, which earned a surprised smile from Xavier. "He's incredible. My favorite song of his is Won't Give Up."

Jenna shot Kasia an impressed smile and they both turned to Xavier, who was gazing at Kasia with wide eyed amazement. To be honest, it wasn't that impressive of a feat. The song she'd mentioned was one of his more popular ones and therefore a pretty safe choice. Still, she liked that he seemed satisfied by her response.

He blinked once, widening his smile before speaking. "Same here. Her songwriting is incredible."

"And your favorite of her songs?" Jenna prompted.

Kasia watched him, intrigued and expecting him to name one of her singles, or the emotional ballad everyone was buzzing about. But his answer took her completely by surprise.

"The Last Kiss," he said, smirking as he kept his gaze locked on hers.

It was a song from her previous album, which meant he'd listened to more than just her current record. He'd done his research and she needed to return the favor.

She shot him an impressed smile before turning her attention back to Jenna.

"Would you two ever consider writing together?" Jenna followed up.

Kasia shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

Xavier laughed in agreement, shifting to swing his arm around the back of the couch and settle in more comfortably.

The rest of the interview asked the standard questions about their dating lives, which they both declined to answer, and what they were looking forward to about the tour. Thirty minutes later, they wrapped up and thanked Jenna before walking back towards Kasia's bedroom.

"That wasn't too bad," she remarked as she took off her earrings and set them down on top of the dresser.

Xavier flung himself onto the bed, laying out spread eagle on his back and staring at the ceiling. "Nope."

Pausing to kick off her shoes and pull her hair back into a messy ponytail, she stopped at the edge of the bed, playfully smacking his shoes.

"I didn't know you listened to my last album," she said.

He tilted his chin downwards so he could see her. "I've listened to all your albums. I even know some of your unreleased songs."

She blinked as she processed this news. "Wow. Thanks, I guess."

Shrugging, he sat up and swung his legs childishly. "I don't know why you're surprised. I like to know about the people I'm working with."

"Fair enough," she pursed her lips. Turning her back to him, she looked over her shoulder. "Can you unzip this for me?"

He lifted his eyebrows in surprise, but nodded, leaning forward to pull the zipper down in the same deliberate manner in which he'd raised it. The pads of his fingers brushed over her skin and she held back a smile as she turned to face him once the zipper was completely undone.

"Can I do something for you?" she whispered, leaning forward and dropping her gaze to his lips. She was quite short, so even though he was sitting on the bed, they were practically at eye level and she could see his eyes darkening as she spoke.

He shook his head, but minimized the gap between them, bringing his lips so they were just inches from hers.

"Can you do something for me, then?" she asked.

He nodded, not breaking eye contact.

"Can you close the door on your way out?"

It took him a moment to process her words and he snapped out of his trance groaning as he rolled his eyes. She laughed as she moved out of the way, allowing him to push himself off the bed and stomp towards the door.

"You're awful," he called back as he left, closing the door as she had instructed.

She chuckled loudly in response, shaking her head as she stripped down to her underwear and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. Xavier was fun to rile up. As she reached inside the shower stall and turned on the water, she decided it was a good thing Xavier was like rain. Because she loved thunderstorms.

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