Chapter 7: First Day Drama

Start from the beginning

I turn away from here only to observing my father and Mr. D'amore walking over to us, and I knew right away I was going to be in some kind of trouble, but honestly, I didn't care. This girl was getting on my last nerve, and I wanted her gone.

"Is there a problem over here?" my father question while Conner turned his little head and was me and reached out for me. "Woo, there buddy, mommy has to work."

"His yours," Serena question now appearing a little frightened having the company heads at the front desk.

"Yes, Miss Rivers is a dear friend of ours, and we wanted to help get her settled in. We're helping Conner gets used to his new surroundings while she works," Mr. D'amore reply still analysis the both of us. "Now what was the arguing about? We can't have you disturbing our guest because you two can't get along."

"It's nothing sir, just a misunderstanding?" Serena replies with a shaky voice, "We'll keep it down and act properly."

"Consider this your verbal warning one more time, and we'll have to write you up and put you on probation." He replies while eyeing us closely. "We expect great things from you Miss Rivers don't make us regret hiring."

I could tell from the tone in his voice i could tell he wasn't pleased with the way things were going. We never really talked about the whole Ryan thing, and he mostly kept to opinion to himself. "Yes, sir."

"You'll do fine. The front desk is a great place to start, and it helps you understand your guest better. We know you'll do excellent here, given your family background." My father smiled at me before walking away with Conner letting out a cry. "Sorry buddy, your mommy needs to work, so she can support you." Mr. D'amore gave me one last look before turning and following my father.

"Why didn't you tell me that you knew them?" Serena question, now back to her impolite ways. "Are you here to get me fired, because I'm sure I'll be able to find some way for the company to pay me, even if I'm not working with them anymore?"

"Now that's an uncivil thing to say." We heard a male's voice state from behind me. Glaring over my shoulder my eyes grew wide as I gazed on someone who could give away my true identity, Erik Maverick. "Hello, jailbait."

I had met him a few years back at a dinner my father had taken the family to, along with the D'amore. Not really in the mood that night to socialize I had been sitting alone at a table, texting Ella when he came and sat down next to me. I found out his father was my dad's top competitors, but he was friendly to talk with. That was until Ryan came sitting on the other side of me telling him, I was jail-bait, and he should just move along.

"Hi Erik," I reply turning around to face him. "What brings you by?"

"He's always here, about this time," Serena answered pushing me to the side so she could get closer to him. "Are you here to finally ask me to dinner?"

Erik tilted his head as he processed her question, "No I saw an old friend, so I thought I say hi."

That's when she turns me once again, "Who are and why does it seem every hotel major head knows you?"

I let out a little laugh knowing every well this girl wouldn't be back tomorrow and hopefully off the island by tonight. "No one of importance to you"

"You know dinner does sound nice, how about it jail-bait. You feel like catching a bit to eat or is your boyfriend working here also?" Erik interrupted, with a dazzling smile playing against his lips now, showing off a perfect smile.

"Oh you didn't hear; her boyfriend left her with their baby." Serena meddled in. "I'm sure she has to get back to her darling son, so she is not free tonight. Where I am."

"I never did like that guy, but I'm a little shack to hear you two have a child together," Erik replies, with sympathy in his voice. "But if you want you can bring him along. I don't mind"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? She's a teenage mother, and you're still hitting on her. What am I chopped liver?" She shouted with fire behind her eyes. "You know what I'm done. You all can all go burn in hell." Then I watched her grab her stuff and walk out from behind the desk and out the lobby door.

"What just happen?" Erik question while looking about the room has the guest turn to the door wondering the same thing.

"I don't think she liked you rejected her. Plus with all the attention I've been getting finally got to her." I answered looking around the room seeing the hotel manager walking to me.

"Where's Serena at?" he asked, but when his eyes landed on Erik, his face grew cold. "You are not welcome in here. Do I need to get security to escort you out again?"

Erik let out a little laugh, "I guess that's my cue to leave. How about that dinner, though?"

"I'm sorry but I can't I need to get home to my son. We just arrived yesterday and still need to get settled in." I reply looking away knew every while Ryan wouldn't be pleased, knowing I let Conner around this guy. I remember at that dinner him stating something about not trusting him, and I had to use that to my advantage, plus with the fact the hotel manager was still standing there waiting for Erik to leave.

"Okay, I'll respect your wishes today, but doesn't mean I won't ask again." Erik replies and started walking away from the front desk, "I'll see you around jail-bait." Then I watch him walk through the lobby and out the door.

"Mr. Morgan told me who you really are, so I'm going to give you some word of. I would stay away from Erik Maverick. He's just like his father a snake and will do whatever it costs to come out on top. He's been snooping around here trying to get inside information on how to make his father's Island resorts more luxurious than the one your father is trying to build." I wasn't able to ask anything else as I watched to hotel manager walk away and back into the office.

Copyright © 2016 Letty Scott/Embrace_Passion (All Rights Revered)   

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