Chapter 10: Done Hiding

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Early chapter hope you enjoy ;)

(Unedited, 1st Draft)

Chapter 10: Done Hiding

Sitting in the office later on that afternoon I couldn't get what happen in the elevator out of my head. How could Ryan have such a hold over my body like he does that any time he raves my body I just caved. Erik had tried to kiss me a few times but I would freak out and pushed him away, so it didn't explain why I let Ryan in so easily.

"Earth to Mia," Ella's voice broke through my thoughts. I glazed over at her to see her with a questioning look on her face. "Are you ever going to tell me what happened this morning."

"I've already told you we had breakfast we talked about Connor. He said something about wanting to get together for dinner so he can get to know our son." I repeated trying to keep everything simple not wanting to give away too much.

"Okay, I can tell you're not going to give too much information. Hell, you've always kept the things Ryan did to you quite and didn't talk much about it, but I'm your best friend. If he's bullying you again please tell me." It was no secret that Ella was not a fan of Ryan. She even defended me a few times back in high school when she found out about me being bullied.

"He's not alright. He's only here for the wedding and then he'll be gone. While he's here though he's wanting to spend time with Connor. That's all okay, please drop it." I express getting to my feet knowing any moment my son was going to be home from school and I wasn't fully sure how I was going to tell him about Ryan. "I have to go Connor going to be home soon and I have to figure out what to tell him about his father being here."

"The truth is the smart way in going about it, but then again he's thought Ryan been working oversea doing god knows what," she replied getting to her feet. "What does it matter about Ryan being here? He's just going to disappear by next week anyways and where does that lead you?"

"Why does it matter Ella, why does Ryan being here frustrate you so much? What did he do to you to make you hate him such considerably." Not waiting for her answer I walked out the door and into the lobby to see Ryan sitting there in a lobby chair reading a book.

As if sensing my presence he looked up from his book and gave me a slight wave before looking back down. I just stood there taking in his appearance how he seems so relax and at one with himself while the lobby was full of people coming and going. He just sat there endorsing in a book like he was alone in his hotel room.

"He does that every time he's here," Ella said from behind me. "I never asked why he, but he just sits there reading while everyone around here comes and goes. He just sits reading, which it odd compare to how he was in high school."

"Yes, it is," I reply thinking about how much Ryan had changed since high school. I knew his behavior had changed that night Connor was born with everything my father told me after I had gone unconscious. Ella never heard about it and only knew the things that I had told her about him during the pregnancy.

Before she could reply though Connor walked in with his friend Samuel throwing a basketball back and forth, the ball slipped from Samuel's hand and bounds over to Ryan. I held my breath as I watched him pick up the ball and throw it back to Connor, who caught it with ease. Connor just stood there with the ball in his hand looking over at the guy who just throw it at him.

Having a slight feeling about how my son was feeling I knew this was a major impact on him. I slowly walked over to my son who hadn't taken his eyes off of Ryan. "Connor." That's when he finally turn to face me dropping the ball in his hand and run off to the elevator.

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