Chapter 4:New Life

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(Unedited, second draft) 

Chapter 4: New Life

As the weeks turn into months, my belly grew bigger has the baby movement became second nature. I didn't know the gender since I wanted it to be a surprise, but I had given the doctor permission for my mother to know who then told Mrs. D'amore. They started shopping for all kinds of baby things after that but kept it all hidden from me.

They were still skeptical about me leaving after the birth but had some things already shipped to the island resort already. I knew my father was hoping I would change my mind about leaving but knew there was nothing he could do about it since I would be turning eighteen soon and would be free to leave if I wanted to. Everyone wanted Ryan to come and change his mind, but there had been no word from him, which I was glad about.

I walked over and sat down on one of the swings before I kicked my feet out under me pushing myself gently against the ground, "You know it's probably not smart playing on the swings in your condition." Turning around I saw his tall figure approaching me before taking the swing next to me. I hadn't seen him since the night he walked out of my parents' house and flipped me off, so I was baffled to see him now. "You could hurt yourself or that baby of yours."

I stop swaying sensing he could be right, "What are you doing here?"

"What I saw you walking alone and thought I say hello and ask how things are going," he replied kicking up dust making his swing go higher up in the air. "Remember when we were kids, and we see who could swing the highest?"

"Yes, and you would cheat by starting before me," I answered, getting to my feet. Unsure on what game he was playing I was in no mood to play along, so I turn and head back the way I came without saying anything to him.

As I walked through the playground, I started feeling sharp pains and knew something wasn't right. Not wanting to alarm Ryan, I kept walking until I got to the parking lot and felt like something was ripping me apart making me let out a horrifying scream. Leaning over I wrap my arms underneath my stomach has the pain subsided, but still felt something terrible was wrong with the baby.

"No dumbass my water just broke," I spoke trying to lean down to pick up my phone but had another contraction hit me instead. "Just call my mom, she's at the restaurant.

"Come on I'll take you to the hospital myself, she can meet us there." He said grabbing my hand, but I felt paralyzed and unable to move has the contraction grow stronger. I was trying to keep calm but knew something wasn't right. When I didn't move Ryan leaned down picking me up bridal style and carried me to the car. "Don't worry, Ayanna, everything's going to be okay. I won't leave your side until someone else can get there to be with you."

I was too worried about something happening to the baby to question Ryan's motives at that moment. The pain was growing stronger has he drove me to the hospital before rushing in to get someone to help bring me in, so he could park the car.

Once they had me in the monitoring room, I notice the nurse had a sour look on her face, bringing my fears to life. She walked over to the phone and presses some button before speaking, "Can I get someone from the imaging department in room 203 for a sonogram, please."

"What's going on?" I asked but she just walked out of the room not answering me. "Ryan what's happening to my baby?"

Ryan walked over to me grabbing hold of my hand, "I'm not sure; that nurse doesn't seem very friendly."

Before I could question him about anything else someone walked in pulling a machine with them along with the nurse before. "Don't worry dear, we're just checking the baby's position. I think the baby might be breech."

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