Other than discovering that he wasn't entirely organized, she still had not learned anything, so she scanned the room quickly, hoping something would catch her eye. A phone lying on the table piqued her interest and she hurried over to it.

Poking her tongue between her lips in determination, she pressed the main button and sighed in frustration when the phone prompted her for a passcode. Seeing as he was practically a stranger, she knew she wouldn't be able to accurately guess his passcode without locking him out of the phone for an extended period of time, so she pursed her lips as she pondered her options.

Unfortunately, wasn't given too much time to think, as the dressing room door opened and a deep voice rang out from behind.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Closing her eyes and scrunching her features sheepishly, she turned slowly, hiding the phone behind her back as she came face to face with her opening act, and Xavier Spiers looked irritated beyond belief.

Hoping there was a possibility he didn't recognize her, she lowered her chin, keeping her face shaded by her cap as she racked her brain for a suitable explanation.

"Oh, I thought this was the ladies room," she sputtered out, mentally reminding herself to think quicker on her feet. "My mistake, I'll keep looking."

Keeping her eye line directed at the floor and allowing her long hair to shield her profile, she attempted to hurry past him, but was stopped by his raspy voice piercing the air.

"Cut the bullshit, Stevens. I know it's you."

She scrunched her nose in annoyance and turned to face him, pulling the cap from her head and raking a hand through her hair to return it to its natural state. Crossing her arms over her chest, she gripped the bill of her hat tightly between her fingers and held back a laugh.

Xavier was doing his utmost to look severely pissed off. His lips were pressed together in a thin line, and his nostrils were flared, causing the small silver ring piercing his nose to jut out, and his eyes narrowed as he stared at her intently. Although she would admit that she found the flash of fire in his eyes and the furrow of his brow to be extremely sexy, the one thing he was not was intimidating.

His features and general disposition were far too angelic for her to be frightened.

"You look good, Spiers," she grinned widely. "Have you been working out?"

It wasn't a lie; the way he was clenching his fists was causing the muscles in his extremely well-toned arms to ripple slightly beneath his tanned skin and his already fitted black t-shirt to cling to his chest and outline his abdominal muscles.

She traced her eyes slowly down his lean frame, taking her bottom lip between her teeth and running her tongue over it to alleviate her suddenly dry mouth.

Xavier Spiers was a very fine specimen indeed. If nothing else, the next few months would at least be entertaining.

He rolled his eyes as he watched her blatantly check him out and crossed his arms over his chest, which only served to enhance his biceps and increase her enjoyment.

"Has anyone ever told you that you make a horrible first impression?" he asked, jutting out his jaw to deliciously define his jawline and narrowing his glare even further.

"Aww," she hummed, sticking out her bottom lip and shrugging, "I guess that means we'll have to meet again so I can redeem myself."

Pursing his lips, he stared at her for a moment, the crease in his forehead deepening as though he was trying to decide whether or not it was worth his energy to continue the argument before he allowed his muscles to relax and shook his head in frustration.

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