Chapter 4

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"Aren't you going to help her?" Ava pushes me.

Should I? She's nice and all but she's too nice.

"She gotta stand up for herself." I cross my arms and glue myself to the floor.

Panic is visible on her face. She's saying something but it's obvious that none of them is actually listening. I lean in to hear but I still can't. That's my cue to intervene, I guess.

"Okay. Enough. Both of you dipshits, clear out this room right now before I got you suspended!" I have to yell to get heard, so you can imagine how bad the situation is.

"I see, you have got the situation under control." I stop immediately.

Yup, there's no mistake. That is the voice.

"Hey, Chris." Ava jumps up. What is that? It's like her eyes are sparkling as she is in the oh-so-divine presence of Chris whosoever.

"Chris Morgan slash the knight in shiny armour. If there's a problem, there's Chris to solve." She explains quickly.

I have got to hand it to Dad, the school definitely has some interesting characters. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stay here forever.

"Guys, you heard what pretty princess said. Clear out." he claps to get the attention.

Did he call me pretty princess? How dare he! He made it sound so snotty and bitchy!

"Who is she to order us around?" Ewin glares hard at me, I think maybe imagining burning a hole n my head.

That's so it. Now I'm pissed off.

"Chloe Kennedy. I guess, that would ring the bell in those rotten head of yours. I want you both out of here or do you both want to get out of the premises."
"You can't do that."
"You wanna try bulky guy?" I give them my don't-mess-with-me look.

I know that would work. Both of them take off before I can snap my fingers.

"That was pretty cool." Chris stands in front of me to make it impossible to ignore him.

Dark hair, green eyes, lean. If he had been in Carnation, he would have been a sight for eyes. However, his pretty princess comment still stung, so I'm not going for him. Like ever. Plus he's from KTHS, which makes him totally off-limits.

"Whatever." I toss my hair over my shoulder and turn around.
"You would have actually called to get them suspended?"
"It doesn't hurt to let them know I can, but they don't have to know that I will not."
"Smart-ass. Well, everything is settled. I better get going. Take care, Nicole. And welcome to KTHS, your royal highness, Miss Chloe Kennedy."

This is just the height. I grab his collar before even thinking what I'm doing.

"If you don't want me to rearrange your perfect face with that broken heel of mine then get the hell out of here." I hiss.

He blinks several times. Processing everything, suddenly a smirk appears on that bloody face of his. He really annoys the shit out of me.

"What's so funny?"
"You admitting that I have a perfect face."

He flees out of my hold before I can punch his perfect face and wipe that grin off.

"Have a nice day and I actually think you can have one in this hellhole."

I stare at the door for a long time.

"Woah! What was that going on between you two?" Ava holds up both her hands.
"He's irritating."

Nicole raises a brow at me. Not her too.

"I'm going to sleep. I had a long day." I yawn. "And please let me know if there's any possibility of another psycho crashing the room."

As soon as I lay my head down, I pass out. The last thing I remember is Chris and that cocky smile on his face which I so want to erase.

Why is someone shaking the hell out of me?

"Fiona! Let me sleep!" I bury myself into the safe contentment of my beloved pillow.
"Mmm... I might do that but I-I don't think you want to be late for your first day."

Huh? Where am I? Hey, have I got amnesia? Great! Now I won't have to attend that asylum jam-packed with-

Wait. Oh! Yeah, KTHS. Wow, I remember everything. No escaping the day. Yay! Thanks for the gift of wisdom (the wisdom I am going to get in the place which you call school), dad. I pull the covers off my face to reveal a freshly-showered and well-dressed Nicole standing with my toothbrush and paste in her hands.

Groaning, I take my belongings out of her hands. "Thanks." I murmur.

Don't act so surprise, okay. I might not be a very polite person but I do appreciate kind acts of help.

Within an hour, I shower and get ready. See? I'm already starting to act like a nice little pretty good girl. (Yeah, I take at least two and a half hour to finish my morning routine. And puh-lease, you can't judge me. A girl got to do what she likes. I like dressing up perfect.)

"You look nice." She smiles.

Something inside me stirs. Her compliment is genuine, completely sincere. Unlike those stuck-up back-stabbing bitches. I have plenty of them at home.

" Thanks. Now, will you show me the way or do I have to manage it all by myself because you kind of keep getting ambushed by crazy-stalker boys and I so don't want to be in middle of this stupid hurricane?" I knew I haven't lost myself completely.

Yesterday was totally bizarre. I had to threaten Ewin and Larry to get them out of the room. Seriously, can't they listen when a girl says no? Opps! My bad. They might have if Nicole had said it a little louder, considering I actually had to put my ear right next to her mouth to listen to what she was saying.

And I find a surprisingly two-page long list of possible candidates who can ambush Nicole, courtesy to Ava.

I groan inwardly. Why am I not having a good feeling about today?

I resign all the negative thoughts and try to focus on how to get out of here. I can't stay here; this is not where I belong. How can dad be so sure of the fact that this is my home?

Pheww!! Finally completed the longest ever chapter I ever wrote.. I am so happy that I finally did it! Yay!!

Don't forget to vote and comment.. :)

Love you all <3

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