"Son of Sam had a hard on."

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Chapter 6

To say I was avoiding Lucas would be a huge exaggeration. I just happen to be no where around when he appears.

He turned left and I plain old left the building. He went right, I went right towards another state.

Lucas had all but faded into the back ground. Like elevator music.

Excluding of course when he appears in my bedroom in a very Edward twinkly vampire kind of way.

Let me tell you something, it was romantic in the book. But when it happens in real life you just get really bad Jason vibes.

I had tried to you know...lock my window. I almost wanted to nail boards to it. But Lucas being Lucifer broke said window...twice.

And would you believe it my mother would only believe the aliens were trying to abducting me excuse once.

I had to pay out of my own pocket for that lock to be fixed.

But school had become peaceful once again. I had spent the last two weeks perfecting the Big Exposition. It was kind of tricky. Auditioning people, figuring out how we were going to be able to fit so many different talents on one stage. We had people who wanted to display their art, as well as their athletic and academic abilities.

The Exposition was going to take place in the grand auditorium. But in the absence of a large enough area it was decided by the Expo committee (okay by me) to hold it in the arena. It was pretty much our academic field. But I was turning it into a huge theater.

It's been a few weeks and everything seemed almost normal again. There wasn't a single run in with the product of Satan's sperm. He slept and left. The only reminder of him was his spicy sent on my pillow and the bowl of Lucky Charms, minus the marshmallows of course.

I was currently sitting in the library talking to Jenny Hopkins about her piece forcing myself not to roll my eyes at her nonstop chatter. It shouldn't have been a long conversation. A simple 'I'm going to do a rhythmic gymnastic routine, and I'm going to need 'x' amount of space to do it.' But it turned into a long monologue on how much her leotard cost and how long her practices were. "It's pink though. A sparky pink. I look like I'm glowing when you get the spot light on me. I should look amazing you know though, considering how much it cost like I said. But my parents figured buy me the best since I worked  so hard to get where I am. Did you know I won nationals a few months back? But you know I can't believe you got the board to approve everything! It's insane! I totally didn't think they'd go for it you know? I mean of course you know! You're the one who gathered all the info and stuff."

"Yea..." I said laughing just to fill the silence I was supposed to fill with my response.

"So are you performing this year?"

"No. Not this year."

"Oh my god! Why not? I loved your piece last year... What was it called?" And before I could answer Tensely came up to us and grabbed my arm. "Candice can you talk a minute?"

Relief washed throughout my body as I shot up immediately. "Yea sure what do you need?" I turned to Jenny and apologized "Sorry love. We'll continue our conversation later."

"No of course. Don't worry. Lunch tomorrow?" She said with a cheeky smile.

I just forced a smile, praying to god it was natural and said "Of course."

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