Chapter 5

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Summer gasped as she opened one eye. Every part of her body was on fire and begging her to go back to sleep. Even blinking hurt.

She very carefully pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around the room. The light from the glass phoenix and the ceiling was blinding.

"What time is it?" She asked herself.

"One o'clock," said a voice from the back of the room.

Summer turned her head in the direction of the voice and regretted it immediately. She sucked on her bottom lip and grabbed her shoulder.

"Crap," she gasped.


Summer continued to rub her shoulder. "Just a little. Why did you let me sleep so late?"

Tracy held up her hands. "Bosses orders. Jasper said to let you sleep as long as you wanted since you would be taking a break today."

"Why are you here?"

"Just checking in on you and I brought lunch." She gestured towards a tray on the one single night stand next to Summer's bed.

Summer grumbled her thanks and reluctantly grabbed her food. It was a simple sandwich, fruit, and chips.

"A milk carton?" Asked summer as she turned over the container. "I feel like a six-year-old again."

"Milk helps you recover. You did good out there. I was surprised that you kept up with most of the stuff."

"Me too," said Summer as she swallowed her food. "You guys might think I'm something special because I can light stuff on fire but, I'm not trying to fool anyone."

"What do you mean?" asked Tracy.

"I'm an underfed, run away orphan, with not even a penny to my name."

Tracy shook her head. "Maybe that's true but, you are a bit more special than the rest of us."

"Because I can use a power I have no control over at seventeen?"

"No," said Tracy flatly. "Because you can summon fire without actually having a source. The weakest wielders need their element to be able to use it."

Summer pushed her empty tray aside and was already starting to feel better. She stretched, her entire back popping.

"What do you mean?" She finally asked.

"For example," replied Tracy. She opened her hand and a small ember jumped from the fire place. It landed above her palm and began dancing like it had a mind of its own.

"Some fire wielders need fire to be able to use their powers. The same goes with all the others."

"Seems convenient enough," answered Summer as she watched the flame.

"Sometimes but, say you're locked up in jail. Do you think they just keep fire in the cells? That would be where someone like you would have an advantage. You can summon fire from the energy in your body."

Summer looked at her hands. "I guess I can," she whispered.

"It was more common but, now someone with that ability is rare."

Summer tried to think back to see if she remembered Ash, Tracy, or Petar being able to summon it without help. It was so chaotic that she wasn't paying attention.

"Yes," said Tracy. "I can summon it but," she flexed her arm, "It took years of practice and I still sometimes use a lighter. You'll learn more about that later."

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