Chapter 16

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Demi was huddled on the ground by her bed sobbing. I sat down beside her and sighed, pulling her into my side. “Shhhh Dem, everything’s going to be fine.” I said softly, pulling her hair out of her face. She was distraught. I didn’t want her to see the trends. She didn’t need to see that.

“I knew this was going to happen.” She cried, her tears were black with makeup.

“Well you have two options, you can either go out and deny everything, or just give them the honest truth. People that are worth listening to will accept you.” I brushed her hair back behind her shoulder so I could see her face properly.

“I can’t lie to my fans.” She whispered, and I pulled her in for a hug.

“So, what are you going to do?” I asked and pulled away so I could see her face.

“How are you even supposed to come out?” She asked, I could see her eyes searching my face for some sort of answer.

“Just get spotted in public holding hands or something?” I shrugged, I’d never had a pop-star girlfriend before, how was I supposed to know?

“I’ll call some people and you can come to my next red carpet with me. Can you do that? For me?” She looked hopeful

“Anything for you hun.” I smiled, kissing her nose. It was set. We were going public.

*2 days later*

Demi’s P.O.V.

“I feel like a princess!” Amelie giggled, she was getting her hair done by one of my stylists. I smiled at her, she was so cute. “You’d know about that Princess Rosalinda.” She smirked at me. I pulled the finger at her and glared. She laughed and I looked down at my phone, trying to distract myself from the impending sense of doom I felt. I sensed someone standing beside me and looked up to see Amelie holding out her hand. “You ready?” She asked, I took her hand.

“As I’ll ever be.” I took a deep breath and followed her out into the limo that was waiting for us. The ride there was in complete silence, and my grip on Amelie’s hand was probably cutting off her circulation. We started driving slowly as we joined the procession of limos entering the venue.

“Demi, can you try to hold my hand a little looser?”

“Sorry, I’m just nervous.” I said, loosening my grip.

“It’s fine. Just breath and don’t listen to anything people shout.” she said, and then the car stopped. “You first, m’ lady.” she gestured for me to jump out. She did, we were still holding hands and I followed her out. We started walking down the carpet, I felt dizzy from all the flashes but managed to keep the smile plastered on my face, I looked over at Amelie. She was smiling, but I could see from her eyes she was panicked.

“Demi are you a lesbian?” Someone shouted

“Demi who’s that with you?”

“Demi! Turn this way! Look over here!”

Amelie's P.O.V.

I was surprised the photographers hadn’t gone totally ape-shit on us. Other stars turned and smiled at us, some looked a little surprised at first but most smiled. Demi led me towards an interviewer, we had to do a few interviews. She’d warned me about this, but the reality of being interviewed for the first time was more than just a bit intimidating.

“Hello! How are you tonight? You look stunning.” The interviewer addressed Demi

“I’m good thanks.” Demi smiled, waiting for the inevitable.

“And who is this lovely lady?”

“This is Amelie.” Demi said, I smiled at the interviewer.

“And you guys are dating?” He asked, and Demi’s grip tightened on my hand.

“Yes, we are.” She smiled.

“So the pictures the other day. How did that go down with you?” He asked, still smiling.

“You know, I find it really hard when I can’t even go to a park without having rumours flying everywhere.” She said, I could tell she was not overly happy the photos had been brought up. He opened his mouth to ask another question but Demi cut him off. “Thanks, we’re gonna go do some more interviews.” She said, and led me away.

Yes I Am (A Demi Lovato Fanfiction) (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now