Chapter 1

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"Just take a left at the first stoplight, a right after four blocks, and the office will be on your left-hand side. There's a parking lot on your right-hand side in case there aren't any spaces available right in front." I quickly thanked the lady I was on the phone with, named Alice, and hung up to start getting dressed for my last class of the year.

Today was my last day of my third year in university, which meant I had just one more year left until I received my Bachelor's Degree in Management and Business. I've always wanted to run my own business, so why not major in something useful for the future? Although, considering I didn't learn too much about businesses this year in class, I don't think the waste of fifty-thousand dollars on tuition was worth it.

I'm currently studying at UCLA, one of the best schools in California, which is probably why it was so expensive to attend here.

I quickly showered and put some make-up on, just enough to look presentable for when I met with the Dean today. He was going to assign me to an internship for the summer, which was a requirement for my major.

Yawn! Instead of going to the beach, having fun in the sun and all that mumbo jumbo, I'm going to be an intern at who knows where! Life is unfair.

As I finished getting ready, I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet and put them in my purse. Once I was done, I headed out the door and walked to my class. It was the last day, so why bother worrying about being late?

The only thing I had to worry about were the stares I got when I walked into class twenty minutes late. Everyone's eyes were on me, glaring as if I had just murdered someone. Geez, arriving late is not a big deal.

I slept through the whole class, missing the speech Mr. Seaton, the professor, gave. Every single year. It was that whole "This is your time" or something kind of speech. If you asked me, it was right crap, especially after hearing it twice before.

Right when the bell rang, I stood from my seat and ran home. When I got there, I turned on my car and drove to the Dean's office. There was no way I would be walking anymore today.

Just as I expected, I found a parking spot right in front and parked there, walking into the building.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I heard a cheery voice say across from me.

"I'm here to see Dean Lowell. My name is Zoe Baker; he asked me to meet with him today."

I watched as the lady shuffled through the small pile of papers on her desk and in the drawers. "Ah, yes," she said, pulling out a small packet from the left-side drawer. "Here you go, Ms. Baker. His office is right over there," she said as she pointed the way to his office.

I thanked her and made my way to Dean Lowell's office, anxious of what my internship would be.

As I was about to knock on the door, it opened and there appeared Dean Lowell. "Zoe Baker, I presume? Please, come on in." I did as he said and sat on the chair in front of his desk. "I wanted to talk to you about an internship."

"What is it going to be?"

He shuffled through his files. "Baker, Baker, Ba-ah, here we go." he said as he pulled out a folder. "You're majoring in management, and your internship this summer will help a bit. You'll be managing other people, organizing, and will be in charge of a few things. It's a rare opportunity, and I knew you'd be the one to manage it!"

I let out a sigh. "What's it going to be?"

"For the summer, Conor Maynard will be in the city, and you will be his assistant."

A/N: New Conor story, yay! Sorry it's quite boring right now, but hopefully it'll get better. Vote and comment please! Love you! :)

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