chapter one.

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( PART I; a dreary existence. )
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chapter 1: supper table of bastards.

RAINA'S dark eyes stared into the North's distance, running along the seemingly endless tree line of mottled pine and oak

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RAINA'S dark eyes stared into the North's distance, running along the seemingly endless tree line of mottled pine and oak. Even further than the tree line was the rolling hills that eventually lead toward the Wall. The area between the Keep and the forest was nothing except a plain of pale grass and dotted stone outcroppings. It was known that the North was a dreary place to most, but for those that could find beauty in it, true and deep appreciation was found. It was found in the light summer snows that would fall during a cloudy day, only to melt once they touched stone or dirt. The earthy smell that hung in the breeze of the Wolf's Wood, and the crispness of a frigid morning.

She felt the sweet appreciation for it all. It ran deep enough in her veins that when she faced a troubling day, she found peace by venturing to the Gods wood or even to the Wolf's wood when she was lucky enough.

A sigh escaped her lips as she turned to leave the walk way and toward the steps. Soon, she would meet Jon in kitchen to sup. Sometimes they were forced to if the spiteful Lady Stark was in a mood that day. On this particular one, she was.

Raina hadn't meant to bump into the candlestick in the main hall that was teeming with hot liquid wax earlier in the morning. Nor did she mean for it to tumble over and spill its contents onto the table that held Lady Stark's newly finished tapestry that was due to be hung by servants.

To say the least, Raina spent the rest of her time outside of the keep and away from the wrath that Catelyn had unleashed on her initially. She's spent her time isolated, as she sometimes was in the event that Jon was busy or Arya was sucked into her Lady duties.

As she drifted down the dim hallway, passed the dining hall where the Starks had already gathered for supper and towards the kitchen, she thought on the dreary day. It was a shame that it had turned so bitter, as she had awoken that morning in high spirits. Lady Stark was good at causing things to take a turn for the worse. Raina had immediately accepted her fate of a harsh scalding from Catelyn, but the resentment that the Lady Stark had toward the bastard had always seemed too unfair.

She nor Jon had asked to be born. Nor had they asked to be brought home with their father to lives as lowly bastards after the Rebellion. Bastards are a dishonorable thing to a house, but what could have been done? Catelyn had verbally expressed what her decision would have been. Leave Raina and Jon to be claimed by a lowly peasant or farmer, or, to her amusement, a pack of wolves. Why couldn't their mother have kept them? That questions had fun through her thoughts more times than she could ever count.

Arriving to the kitchen, she found that Jon was already seated at one of the small tables near the wall. With merely a candlestick to offer light, it might seem like a dreary place to dine but Raina and Jon thought otherwise. It was normally the place where servants would break their fasts or sup out of the sight of nobles. It also served as the supper table of bastards when the occasion called.

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