Like what i've said, I want her to be sure.

"I am ready Cara. I am ready to do the right thing. I'll do this not just for us, but also for me and for him. I'm done lying all this time. You don't deserve this and neither he. Please let me do this." She said, and I can hear the sincereness and determination in her voice.

Then right then and there, I know that she really is ready. That this is really the moment that I've been waiting for. That we've been waiting for.

Let's just hope it's going to be easy.

End of Flashback

"'s going to be okay.." I heard Kendall calling for my attention, as I didn't realize I've been spacing out for so long that I was now clutching in my sit, when I suddenly felt the plane descending.

I just smiled at her and nodded my head. "I know." I answered back, even though, I don't know if it was supposed to be a double meaning or not.


"Are you sure, love? You can just reschedule this tomorrow. I know how exhausting the flight is. Plus, we even barely got enough sleep because of last nights event." I said to Kendall, as soon as we reach my apartment.

We just got here from the airport and she's leaving again, because of, you already know why. Well, for those who don't, she's gonna meet up with Harry in just less than an hour and break up with him.

I just hope it's gonna go smoothly.

I was setting our bags aside, trying to calm myself down and act normal, even if deep inside I was already so damn anxious, that I can feel my heart blowing up any minute now.

Stop it Cara! Don't act like you're the one who's gonna break up with her boy friend. A voice inside my head commented, but I just shrugged it off since I really can't keep myself from being nervous for my girl.

What if Harry won't accept it that easy?

What if he started yelling at Kendall?

Or worse..

What if he tried to hit Kendall?!

"Oh fucking no..don't he even dare..I swear to God.." I didn't even realize that I said those words outloud until I felt a pair of arms hugging me from my back.

"Chill out love..he won't do that..he's a good man.." Kendall whispered soothingly, that it automatically relaxes my body for a little.

She always has this effect on me. I whispered to myself.

"Love..are you sure about this?" I asked, as I tried my best to not mind the things she's doing.

I can feel her smiling as she nod her head. "More than ever." She whispered.

"Can I atleast come with you? I'll just stay in the car. I'll hide so he won't be able to see me." I suggested, but she just shook her head.

"Trust me love, I need to do this on my own. He won't do anything bad, okay?" She said and I can't do anything but to agree.

"Kenny.." I gushed, as a smile made its way to my lips, when I felt her giving me small kisses around the side of my neck.

"Hmm..Kendall.." I moaned, as the kiss started to deepen and I can feel her giving me hickeys already.

Her hands that was back hugging me, now started to travel inside my shirt, massaging my tummy in a very soft but seductive way.

"Oh my.." I moaned again, when she started nibbling my ears and even licking it like it was her favorite ice cream.

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