Azumane Asahi [1/3]

Start from the beginning


"Where is it?" you mumble under your breath as you searched your bag for your lost scarf. "I'm sure I placed it here somewhere..."

It was already lunch time and it was only then that you had noticed that your precious scarf was missing. It had been given to you by your brother when he had come home for Christmas the year before and ever since then, you had been wearing it on every cold day. "Maybe you left it in the classroom?" Shoyo suggested as he watched you turn your bag upside down, shaking the contents out of it. Now that you think of it, you remember taking it off when you were looking for your books inside your locker with Shoyo.

Maybe I had dropped it on the way there? Or maybe in the classroom? you thought to yourself as your tried to recall where you had placed your scarf.

"Yeah, maybe," you say to him as you began to stuff your things back into your bag quickly, eager to retrieve the lost scarf.

As you walked towards the classroom, you eyes scan the hallways in search for your [F/C] scarf. When there was nothing, you entered the classroom, approaching your desk first to see if you had placed it there.

As you were approaching it, you realized there was a familiar shape on top of your desk. When you had finally reached your spot, you found your scarf folded neatly on your table with a short note attached to it.

Sorry if I scared you earlier. I was just walking to my classroom when I noticed that you had dropped your scarf. One of your classmates told me where your desk was and I figured it would be better if I just leave it here instead of being mistaken once again for being a gangster.

P.S. It's alright. I won't kill you.

-Asahi Azumane

You smiled at the note.

Maybe he isn't really what he seems to be after all.


With your scarf finally wrapped around your neck once more, you walked out of the school, shivering slightly when you felt how cold it was. The snow seemed to have decided to fall faster than it had in the morning, quickly filling your hair with white spots of snow.

"I guess I should have brought an umbrella", you mutter to yourself as you looked up to the sky. It doesn't seem like it would stop snowing soon...

"Excuse me?" you hear an all-too-familiar voice call out to you for the second time that day. You turned.

Asahi-senpai stood there with an umbrella in hand, grinning sheepishly at you. "Would you like to share an umbrella with me?"


"Thanks for sharing your umbrella with me, Asahi-senpai," you thank the tall male, making him flustered at your formality.

"You- you can just call me Asahi," he stammered, obviously not used to being addressed to that politely. You just stared at him, wide-eyed.

"But... you're older than me, aren't you? And we just met, after all..." you explain to him, shaking your head. "It would feel impolite to address someone who isn't even my friend like that, wouldn't it?"

He paused at the sudden realization and began to nod slowly. "Oh yeah..." he mumbled, furrowing his brow. Suddenly, he perked up and looked at you, giving you a smile. "Guess we'll just have to be friends then."

"B- but...!" you stammer nervously, remembering how you ran off earlier. "I was completely terrified the first time I met you!"

Scratching the back of his neck, he gave you another one of his sheepish (and adorable) smiles. "Then, let's just start over."

You laughed at how cheesy the line was and gave him a shake of the head. "Fine, fine. You start."

Asahi turned to face you, giving you a serious and no-nonsense look and with his hand stretched out for a handshake, making you laugh even harder. "Asahi Azumane. It's a pleasure to meet you."

You reached your hand out, too, and shook his, imitating the look on his face.

"Of course it is. [Y/F/N]. A pleasure to meet you too."


How was it? I'm sorry if it was bad! I tried my best to make it long but I started to get sleepy and drifted off for a few seconds as I was writing it (lol). Hope you still enjoyed it though!

P.S. I'll be putting the five words in the third part, if that's alright? d(^_^o)

(When you typed in fluff, the first thing that came into my mind was snow— idk why lol— so I wrote your first meeting in Winter XD)

Thanks for reading! Vote if you think this chapter deserves it and comment what you think! Oh, and make a request of you want to!

Thanks guys! Byeee~

[Y/F/N]- Your Full Name

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