Quotes From My Brother

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When my youngest brother has a lot of sugar or is really tired, he gets stupid and says a lot of funny things. This time, I decided to write a few of them down...

"I will shtomp you"

"Don't steal my stories! Piracy IS a crime!"

"*insert creep face here* I will shtomp your mom. Right after I shtomp you."

"That quote is for pirates."

"You sound like Harry Potter. *mimicking* oh gosh!"

"Leave that cat alone! We don't need no cats on education."

"We're superheros. Pitch. Homerun!"

"I would like to save you. Let me save you."

"Guess what?" Me: Chicken butt? "No! Magnets!"

"You're not a victimless crime!!"


Pirate quote: Arg

Bird quote: peek peek

Dog quote: Bark bark George


Back at it again, folks!

( Sorry guys, I don't own any white vans and my name isn't Daniel...)

Random Rants and RavesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora