They I realized by Jasper brought me here. This was a couple ride. 

I felt my eyes widen and my heart speed up. Was I on a date? Did Jasper think we were on a date? 

"You know I should probably go and find Aaron and Dylan…" I said, trying to get out of here. Why hadn't I noticed this before. He totally thought we were on a date. He moved his head to the side. The light blonde wig looked weird on him. 

"Not trying to bail on me, are we?"

He was getting better at reading me. I needed to get out of here. 

I opened my mouth to totally lie to him and object but suddenly we were at the front of the line. He grinned. 

"Too late, we're next." 

Nervously, I followed Jasper into the little sit on the death trap. I absentmindedly started playing with the fake brown wig I had on. 

I was on a date. With Jasper Cross. Bloody hell. 

The operator locked us in place and started the ferris wheel. 

"You look weird as a brunette," Jasper commented, probably trying to fill in the silence. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Yeah well you're not looking so hot as a blonde either," I shot back. He stuck out his tongue and I laughed. Jasper slowly moved his head away from my direction and stared into the sky. I realized he probably had a lot in his mind. With everyone he thought was his friends ended up betraying him. 

"You ok?" I asked softly. I didn't want to seem like I was be annoying. I was generally worried. 

"Not really," he admitted, looking down at his hands. I stared at him. How hard was it for him to admit that? I needed to do something. I needed to get him distracted.

"Are you going to cry?" I asked suddenly, getting him to turn to me. He shook his head softly, smiling. 


I shrugged. "You can cry if you want, doesn't make you anymore of a man to me." His face dropped as he stared at me. But after a moment I sent him a smile. 

"I know what you're doing," he said, the right side of his lip rising. 

I gave him an innocent look. "I'm not doing anything," I said, still smiling. He straighten up. 

"Men don't cry," he responded, giving me a look. I snorted. 

"Ok," I laughed, turning away from him to piss him off. 

"I'm a man!" He defended, getting me to laugh again. 

"Whatever you say Jasper." 

The 'First' Bodyguard  (Old Verison)Where stories live. Discover now