Heart Shaped Glasses

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The divorce of my parents was going to happen. Thats all there was to it, mom and me would be on our own while dad moves out and lives with Megan.

That didn't stop me and Midnight, he had my heart tied up in knots like the time he pressed his hand against my thigh at the firework show in town. Dad hated Mid- night and I hated Megan because she was going to try and take the place of mom. my dad didn't have a place, not anymore he don't deserve it.

When I told Midnight about the divorce he was supportive and willing to be there but Ive gotten tougher since we met and now understand that hate isn't born in your heart, its something people place in it.

"What are you thinking about" I jump at the sound of Midnights voice at the window "Jesus, nothing now" he laughs and jumps in- side my room "My lady Jessica, would you do me the honor of going somewhere with me tonight" he gets down on one knee and hands me a white rose. I giggle "Where to handsome Midnight?" he smiles and pulls out a flyer from his pocket and hands it to me "The drive in" I take the paper and read through it "Id love to" he smiles and walks to my closet and picks out a purple dress with black lace "wear this" I smile and nod "Alright, and you wear something cute" he laughs and kisses my forehead "For you Jessica, the world" he kisses my hand and climbs up my window "See you at seven" I nod and walk back to my closet and stare at the dress I walked around the room hoping that my boredom would soon pass over.

It was six thirty and I was putting on the little purple dress Midnight had picked out. "Im so nervous" I whisper "Okay Jess, its just your boyfriend" I smiled at the thought of calling Midnight my boyfriend "Its just Midnight". The doorbell rang scaring me out of my thoughts and I began to race down the stares and open the door.

Midnight always wore a trench-coat, its his thing but the way he stood at my door with a tuxedo on made my heart melt "wow" he says as I open the door and do a full body turn "wow yourself " I say playing with his tie , he smiles and
shakes his head "Ready?" I take a deep breath and smile "Ready" linking my arm with his we walk to his car. When we got their the place was packed but I didn't mind as long as I was with Midnight "Jess, I apologize if we don't get in. I didn't think it would be this packed " I smile and place my hand over his "I don't care where we go as long as were together." he smiles and laces his fingers with mind "Good." The wait as Midnight had said was long but we were both relieved when we got in the gates of the drive in.

The smells of popcorn filled the air as I was try- ing so hard to contain myself. He pulls into a parking space not to far from the front and tunes the radio to the station of the movie. I was smiling very wide, this was an actual date and it was with Midnight. He seemed to be more thrilled than I was. The movie came on and I curled up to Midnights arm. I wasn't tired but I could fall asleep in his arms or arm. "Jess, you hungry?" my stomach growled and I nodded, Laughing he called over a waitress "Hi Im Katie and I'll be your wait- ress" she was pretty, too pretty she had blonde hair and wore red heart shaped glasses. I felt a rush of jealousy flow over me as she began to get a little to familiar with Midnight. "Hey, you look familiar" she smiles at Midnight before her face goes into shock "Midnight?" he smiles before realizing who she was "Katie?" she laughs and he pulls her into a hug. I give a fake cough as signal to them I was in the car and Midnight soon reads my eyes that Im not all to happy of Katie's presence "Katie this is Jessica Jackson, my friend" I was taken aback by what he la- beled me 'Friend' the words ran through my head as I stared at the two who were obviously catching up on old things. I felt the jealousy swim in my mind and the knot in my stomach grow as Midnight neglected me.

Katie left and I turned to Midnight who looked at me with a confused look "Whats wrong Jess?" I just shook my head "I don't know, FRIEND" I made sure the sarcasm was fluent in my voice and he quickly caught on to what I was implying "Jess" I held my hand up in de- fense and pointed to the screen as the movie began to roll. Katie returned and brought our food but honestly I was too mad to eat anything so I just left it on the tray. Midnight didn't seem to understand that 'Friends' don't sleep with each other friends don't kiss like that, they don't kiss at all, so what made me different if thats what he wanted us to be.

He gets out of the car and begins to walk "Where you going" he points to the restrooms and I nod., he gives me a small smile before con- tinuing to walk. I was mad at him but it slowly subsided as I began to look around at the other couples and soon started to miss the company of him in the car. I got out and began to walk around, I waited by the bathrooms in hopes Id catch him leaving so I could apologize. Thats when I heard her giggles, Katie she was stand- ing and twirling her curly blonde hair and she was standing with a guy. I started walking to her in desperate hope that she had seen Midnight and if she could tell me where he ran off too. I stopped when I recognized the other voice as Mid- nights. "So are you and that Jessica girl a thing" feeling hopeful in Midnights answer I felt a small smile creep on my face "No, we were never anything, I just needed to fulfill my needs, I would never be with Jessica. I missed you Katie" I felt my heart drop and the tears swelled in my eyes. "So we're nothing" I said ap- proaching them, trying to fight back tears. His mouth drops and I storm away. I let it go I felt everything I had bottled up go in that simple walk. I heard footsteps quickly behind mine "Jess, don't go please come back" "Get away Midnight! Just get away from me! He stops walking towards me and I turn around and headed home.

Walking I began to to cry and replayed all I heard in my mind "I would never be with Jessica" I cried harder and screamed into my arm as I walked by the park. Reaching my house I wiped my face took a deep breath and opened the door to see my dads suitcases at the end of the stairs "Jessica?" my mom calls from the kitchen "Yeah mom?" she walks in with my dad standing beside her "Are you okay, what happened sweetie?" I put my hand up "Im fine, whats with the suitcases" My mom and dad exchanged glances as the lead me to the living room. "Honey, me and your father-" "Are getting a divorce I know, Dad's gonna live with Megan the slut as his office and he's moving out" "Jessica Adeline" my dad says as he gives me his never ending look of disappointment. "What? oh Im sorry daddy would you like me to use whore instead?" I heard my mom laugh a little before putting her head down to hide her smile "No, and you not gonna talk about her like that young lady" I give a sarcastic laugh "you can't tell me what I can and can't think about her, as far as Im concerned your not my dad, your just some guy my mom slept with and the stork brought me here so why don't you take your suitcases and go home and hurry while you can, you know how she can't wait" with that I got up and went upstairs and slammed my door. I felt a gleam of happiness

wash over me for a brief moment as I heard the door slam and my dads car crank up. I stripped out of the dress, put on some clothes and headed to bed where I cried into my pillow, I felt my mom come in and sit so I tried my best to pretend I was asleep "Oh my sweet baby girl" she says as she moves the hair off my tear soaked face "He's not worth your tears" I didn't think she was talking about Mid- night but I didn't care, I was hurt by both of them and Id give anything to make the hurting stop. I wish I had a time machine, just so I could go back in time, not to change things but just to feel things again.

Midnightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن