Bruised and broken

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The art galley was something amazing, I didn't know how to describe just how amazing I felt, Midnight on the other hand not so much. He hasn't shown up to the park in three days. Could what have happened in the car make him take 3 large steps back?, if we were playing shoots and ladder Midnight had took every shoot down leaving me at the top. So that left me with the choice to do what I did before we met and that involved some time with me....and the couch.

"Jessica honey why aren't you hanging out with that boy" my mom asked. I groan "Did he hurt you" I shake my head. I didn't ever think Midnight would hurt me, but I cringed at the thought of who would hurt him. His father. His father was a horrible man as Midnight explained to me when we first met and quite frankly any man that puts his hands on anyone especially as good of a person as Midnight wasn't a man at all....He was a coward. Through out the whole day I kept thinking of the man
who Midnight was afraid of and I kept picturing the awful things he was doing, I decided for the sake of my friend to go to his house so I put on my shoes and coat.

With one final decision I went and grabbed a baseball bat, anything could happen and if his father had the temper of Midnight Grey it was for my life. I began the walk to his house, my heart pounding out of my head and my stomach churned the closer I got. "Why am I so afraid" I whispered, "Its only Midnights house" my breath short and heavy, I had finally got up to the little cobble stone path that was greeted with flowers.
His mom must have put them there before she died, I smile at the image of little Midnight with his mother. He must have been so happy, pushing the thought away I walk up the path to there porch 'Oh stairs' I slowly put my foot on them.

One stair. Midnight.
Two stairs. Saving him.
Third Stair. Midnight.

  I reached the faded red door and I touch its cold surface, Im sure that if anyone was listening my heart could probably be heard in a stadium full of people. I knocked on the door and waited. All I could hear was silence and distant stomping, either I was about to meet the devil or a very angry Midnight.
  I watched the door open and there stood his dad. "Hello" I was shocked, Midnight had described his father as the drunk not some how do you do preacher "uh hi" he smiles "You must be Jessica, and your probably looking for Collin" the name ran through my mind. Was that his name? Collin. I repeated it several times in my head. "Uh Midnight?" He smiles but realizing the name he shakes his head "Oh you hang out with Midnight, not Collin" I nod, was Midnight his brother, cousin, twin? "Well he is up in his room doing god knows what but I'll tell him you stopped by" I nod and turn around, gripping the baseball bat tighter.

  On the walk home I swore I heard screaming but I was afraid to even turn back for the thought of assuming wrong. I walked to my house and put the bat away I laughed at the thought of me using it. I walked up to my room and sat there in silence, praying that Midnight was okay, I slipped in bed and fell asleep.

  Later I woke up to the sound of pounding on my window "Midnight?" I opened it up and let him climb inside "What are you doing here? and how did you climb up to my window?" he was looking down and breathing heavily. "Midnight?, Midnight look at me" I cup his face in my hands" he had a busted lip and one bruised eye "my god what hap- pened to you" he looks at me what sympathetic eyes "Im sorry, Im sorry Jess, Im sorry" he kept apologizing, tears gathering in his soft hazel eyes. I wrap my arms around him "Shhh don't be sorry, its okay" I cooed "Im-Im sorry" I was starting to cry to, just watching my best friend cry was enough to send this whole place flooding.

"Midnight, tell me what happened" he sobs a little before looking at me "They were talking about you and I-I blacked out" Midnight had told me he had blackouts but I never knew that they could get this bad.

"Midnight, why did you black out over me" "Because your so nice and a good person, your the only one that don't see a monster in me. I wasn't going to let them disrespect you like that" I started laughing as I wiped his face "My hero" he laughs and I plant a small kiss on his cheek "Jessica" "Yes?" He looks at the ground "Can I stay with you to- night? I don't wanna be alone right now" I nodded and made him a spot right next to me on my bed. "Jessica, will you talk to me so I can fall asleep knowing your there" I giggle "of course" I pulled the covers over him and played with the streak of hair on his head. "Jessica, do you regret meeting me" "what no, and I never will" he begins to breathe steadily "good because your the most important person in my life right now" I smile at those words and how close he let me become over the course of the two months but I couldn't help but frown at the fact that summer is going to end and I may not see him again.

"Midnight,promise me something" "Anything" "Promise me no matter what we will always be friends" he sighs "Jess I can't" "But you said anything, can you least pretend to?" he laughs "alright Jess I promise" I stick out my pinky and giggle "Pinky promise?" he gives me his pinky and wraps it around mine "Pinky Promise" I felt his hand grab mine and lace our fingers together. "Why can't you promise me?" he shifts to wear our eyes are locked together "because apart of me is wanting to hurt you because if you find out the truth you'll never wanna see me again" I held his fingers tighter "Mid- night, there is nothing you can say or do that will make me wanna go away" he lets go of my hand and puts it on my cheek "Promise?" "Promise" he laughs and rolls on his back "Jess, your really pretty" I put my finger on his lips and felt him kiss it "Alright your getting sleepy so lets go to bed" he pulls the blankets over me and him and closes his eyes "Goodnight beautiful" I giggle "Goodnight Midnight"

Morning came quickly, I squinted my eyes as the little rays of sunlight beamed through the window. I rose up and stared at the boy who was sound asleep in my bed. "Jessica" my mom called from the other end of the door. I ran and poked my head out of the small opening "Mom nows not a good time" she tries to peak across the door "Well I was just wanting to see if you were going to the park today to meet that boy, if you were I thought you could bring him here, now what are you hiding?" I felt my cheeks heat up "Nothing" she puts her hand on the door "Jessica Adeline Jackson" I finally ave up and opened the door to reveal a sleeping Midnight. "What is he doing in your bed!!" "Mom be quiet, he had nowhere else to go and he gotten beat up pretty bad" She looks at him sympathetically "Well, since it was for a good reason I guess I cant be too mad, but why didn't you take him to the guest room?" I sighed "he didn't want to be alone" I seen a smile creep up on her face. "Well I'll make breakfast, your father went to work" I looked at her puzzled "Mom this is like the fifth Saturday he's gone to work" she shrugs her shoulders and heads down stairs. I shut the door and turn around.

"Jessica Adeline huh" I jump at the sound of his voice "What?, Oh yeah its one of those names Id rather people not know I have" He laughs "Well its beautiful" I wave my hand "Your so full of lies this morning" he runs his fingers through the little line of hair, his Mohawk made him more attractive, then again everything about him was attractive.

  I push those thoughts of him out of my mind. "Hey Midnight, moms making breakfast" "Should I leave?" I shake my head "She wants to meet you" he smiles "Oh by the way I want you to come with me today" "Where to?" "You'll see when we get there" I smile and walk out the room. Once me and him were dressed we walked down to breakfast "Morning Jessica, Jessica's friend" Midnight smiles and sticks out his hand. "Morning Mrs. Jackson and my name is Midnight" mom gives him a warm smile and shakes his hand "Oh honey please call me Candice" he nods his head and grabs my hand. I look at him but he's looking dead at my mom. "Sorry about last night, I just needed someone and your daughter is my only friend" I smiled to myself and Midnight seemed to notice this because he squeezed my hand a little bit more tighter.

After breakfast me and Midnight walked to the park in silence, the thoughts of last night had my wheels turning so finally I broke the silence "Midnight, You said your father was a drunk" he turns his head and stares "He is" "Then why did he look so normal when I stopped by last night" he laughs and grabs my hand "Because he takes care of himself very well" I smile shyly "Who's Collin" his smile fades and he looks down "My brother" I nod "He's the better one" I look at him strange "What do you mean?" he sighs "He's the one my father adores, I wasn't left out though. My mother seen beauty in me, she shaved my head" I smile "What was you mom's name" "Angel, and indeed she was"

I seen the way Midnight talked about his mom and it pained me to know that she was his only source of happiness. "Your my angel now" he says, I look at him and smile "Awh" he laughs and puts his arm around me. "Jess where do wanna go?" "What do you mean?" "Where would you like to go tonight anywhere, since the art gallery was a disaster" I think even though the art gallery was amazing "Well theres a book store that just opened and I really wanna check it out" he smiles and nods his head "The book store it is my lady" I smile as he walks over to the table and sits down, letting my mom take care of him.

I never knew just how bad Midnight needed his mom but he had mine for the moment and his happiness was just as good as my own.

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