Chapter Two

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So my internet/laptop did something stupid and my wattpad crashed and I haven't logged out of wattpad since the day I made it and completely forgot my password so when I need to log back in I was screwed, and I didn't have the same email any more to rest my damn password, so it's taken me a while to get it back. Luckily I got it back though... Anyway, chapter time :)


It took them nearly a week to clear Dean of any further injuries and now finally Dean was home... well, not home with Castiel, he was currently in Sam's house. Castiel thought it would be better than completely overwhelming him by taking him straight home.

"None of this makes sense to me." Dean mumbled once he was sat down, running a hand through his hair, still trying to put things straight in his mind, everything was weird, he kept thinking he was a teenager again, but there were several things that proved he wasn't. He didn't look the same was the main problem and also he didn't feel the same, he didn't feel like constantly screaming at the monsters that didn't exist.

"Dean, I know this is confusing, but we'll help you and hopefully you'll remember."
Sam said, resting a hand on Dean's shoulder.

"You keep talking to him, I need to make phone calls about that thing... you know what I mean." Castiel sighed and headed upstairs. He had to make phone calls telling everybody about Dean's condition and that it was very unlikely they'd be getting married any time soon, just thinking that made Castiel feel like somebody had punched him in the gut. He wanted to marry Dean, to be with the man he loved, forever.

Fate hated him, that was obvious.


"So, I'm meant to be marrying him?" Dean asked Sam after he'd explained a few things.

Sam nodded. "Yep, next month. You've been obsessed with planning and everything was perfect."

"No wonder he looks so upset." Dean sighed. "Why did this happen to me? Why does everything bad happen to me?"

"You attract bad, we always knew that." Sam smiled softly trying to lighten the mood. "But don't worry everything will be okay, I'm going to walk you through everything, well, through everything I think will help, some things aren't that important." He couldn't help but remember the time he held a lifeless Dean in his arms, yeah, nobody needed to relive that.

"My main question at the moment is, where's dad? Shouldn't he be yelling at me for being a complete idiot or something like that?" 

"Dad? Neither of us have seen him in years, Dean." Sam said, looking down at his hands.

"What? Why?"

"Well, there was an incident and he managed to piss off Bobby so he was thrown out and told not to come back. He's not stupid enough to go against what Bobby says." Sam explained. "But let's not talk about that right now, I don't really want to talk about him."

"I'm glad he's not here. He's always disappointed in me, I can't stand it."


"Oh I'm so sorry you have to cancel your plane tickets." Castiel spat, getting annoyed. "It's not our fault that my fiancé can't remember who I am, Lucifer."

"I'm just saying it's inconvenient, he should have drove carefully." He said.

"Are you seriously blaming him? Really? You know what. When the wedding does happen, and it will. You can consider yourself uninvited, you and all our annoying family members who feel like blaming Dean for this." He snapped before hanging up, he dragged a hand through his hair and leaned against the wall, sure it was inconvenient but neither of them could have predicted that Dean would get in an accident.

Castiel eventually headed back downstairs and sighed. "I need to get some sleep, you dont have room here so I'm going to head home." He muttered. "I assume you're going to stay here, Dean, since I'm practically a stranger now." He said.

Dean thought for a moment, almost say yes but he shook his head. "I want to remember and I may have to see the place I live with you to do that."

Castiel looked shocked but nodded. "Okay, that does make sense, is this okay, Sam?"

Sam nodded. "Just look after him, Cas."

He nodded and immediately reached for Dean's hand but stopped himself. "Sorry... uh, yeah, let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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