Chapter One

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"He can't remember me?!" Castiel demands, making Dean jump, eyes wide.

"During the crash he hit his head against the steering wheel which has caused amnesia and we're unsure if it's permanent or not." The doctor say.

Castiel shakes his head in disbelief, this can't be happening, he's getting married in thirty days, to the love of his life, this is just a very bad dream, it has to be. He turns to look at Dean, biting his lip. "You can't remember me?" He whispers.

Dean shakes his head, looking slightly scared. "N-no." He whispers. "I'm sorry... I wish I could."

At that moment the door swings open and in walks a scared looking Sam. "Dean." He sighs, walking over to the bedside table. "Fuck, when they said you were in a crash my mind went straight to the worst scenario, I thought you'd be in a coma or dead."

Dean looks up at Sam, confused for a moment before he suddenly realise who he's looking at. "Sammy? Fuck... how many years did I lose?" He asks, looking at the doctor.

"Years? What's he talking about?" Sam asks, looking the same direction as Dean.

"I'm not sure." The doctor sighs. "Amnesia can affect a big part of your memory, Mr. Winchester. You're twenty-three, but what do you last remember."

"Twenty-three? That's impossible. I'm fifteen and Sammy's meant to be thirteen not this gigantor..." Dean says, starting to panic, he doesn't like this, all these people claiming to be his brother, and the dark hair guy... who he doesn't know who he's meant to be. He can't remember anything. The last thing he remembers is arguing with his father after leaving a psychiatric hospital, again.

Dean's head snaps up and looks at Sam. "Dad... where's dad?"

Sam bites his lip looking around the room. "He's gone, De. Not sure he's coming back, Bobby told him to stay the hell away about five, nearly six years ago. It happened when he found out you were dating Cas."

"That's me by the way." The dark haired guy says.

Dean looks at him, mouth open slightly, because he knows he's gay, he just can't believe his dad knows and he actually managed to get a boyfriend and a hot one at that.

"So, any more bad news?" Castiel asks, looking at the doctor.

"Uh, well... you should probably know if he doesn't at least start to remember little bits within the next month, it's very likely it's going to be permanent and he won't remember anything from the last eight years." The doctor says. "My best advice is to take him to places he likes, tell him memories, try to spark something in his mind, it could be the littlest thing that can help him."

Castiel looks at Dean before walking over to him, he wants to reach for his hand, but can't do it, he doesn't want to freak him out or something like that. "Dean... I think it's best I leave this with you, Sam." He sighs, glancing at Sam before back at Dean. "But, whatever happens... I'm still going to try and get you back, Dean, after all, you're my fiancé."

Dean looks up at Castiel in complete shock, he opens his mouth to say that it can't be true but with one look at his left hand he knows it is, because there's the ring, the very beautiful ring, which means Castiel is telling the truth and he must obviously love this man or he never would have said yes.

"He can leave in a few days, we need to watch over him for now." The doctor say before giving them space to talk.


Exactly 600 words, hopefully it will get longer each chapter... and I'm probably aiming for thirty chapters, kinda like a countdown to their wedding, if the wedding happens... you never know since I like angst so much.


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