IX - sick

445 22 2

makschmer : Val

iamvalentin : what, Maks.

makschmer : did dad tell you?

makschmer : Val, i know u read this, answer me.

iamvalentin : yes.

makschmer : are u ok

iamvalentin : idk. you?

makschmer : same. i'm really nervous things aren't going well for her. we need to really appreciate the time we have left with her.

iamvalentin : don't say that! stop thinking the worst!

makschmer : i'm sorry but i'm just being real.

iamvalentin : ok. pls go away now. i don't wanna talk to anyone rn.

makschmer : ok. love u bro.

iamvalentin : ❤️


peeetaaam : maksy where are you??

makschmer : hey

peeetaaam : what's wrong? ):

makschmer : someone i'm close to is really sick.

peeetaaam : awe babe

makschmer : my brother is so upset about which is making it worse.

peeetaaam : is there anything i can do?

makschmer : not really, but thank.

peeetaaam : i hope she gets better 😞

makschmer : me too. i gtg, family situation.

peeetaaam : bye babe

makschmer : bye

peeetaaam : ily

makschmer : ilyt

text message - dwts Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang