VI - location

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peeetaaam : maks!

makschmer : peta!

peeetaaam : guess what!

makschmer : what!

peeetaaam : no, guess!

makschmer : idk peta what

peeetaaam : i'm bored

makschmer : o

makschmer : 🙃

peeetaaam : sorry

makschmer : it's fine bae

peeetaaam : ....

makschmer : oh SORRY i meant babe ik u don't like bae

peeetaaam : no i donut¡

makschmer : so how's life been treating u??

peeetaaam : u asked that yesterday

makschmer : answer the question, peta

peeetaaam : okay i will, maks

peeetaaam : it's been treating me fine, how about you

makschmer : yeah SAMEE

peeetaaam : ok chill out

makschmer : k sorry

peeetaaam: maks?

makschmer : hm?

peeetaaam : where do you live?

makschmer : why do u ask

peeetaaam : just curious

makschmer : san diego

peeetaaam : ohh

makschmer : what about you?

peeetaaam : Los Angeles

makschmer : o wow u live closer than i thought

peeetaaam : yeah

makschmer : you know maybe one day

makschmer : never mind

peeetaaam : noo what? tell me

makschmer : idk i just thought maybe i could meet you one day

peeetaaam : awwe

makschmer : just a thought

peeetaaam : well you're right maybe we can

makschmer : that'd be cool

peeetaaam : mhm

makschmer : can i tell you like, a secret

peeetaaam : yeah go for it

makschmer : you're my best friend, like my only friend actually.

peeetaaam : awh really?

makschmer : yeah

peeetaaam : well i'm honored to be your best friend

makschmer : lol yay

peeetaaam : have a goodnight maks 💘

makschmer : you too, p

okay so chmergatroyd is obviously the foundation of this story so sorry if you want other characters in faster. i hope you don't mind these first few chapters being mostly them, i'll have other friendships/ships in soon :)

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