I found Harry sitting at the bottom front row and I smiled and waved at him. He saw me and waved back.

I decided to quickly run over to him after I told Andy to go ahead of me. "Hey...Sorry about the girls screaming and jumping. It's pretty normal though, so don't let them bug you so much. At least their not doing that to YOU, every single day," I said to Harry.

He laughed and said, "I think I might need my hearing to be repaired, but it's worth it. And by the way, most guys would love the attention you get from the ladies." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm not interested in girls, anyways. They know that, and everyone knows that. I just don't think they want to accept it."

"Probably..." Harry said, looking thoughtful.

"PAYNE! Get over here! We're gonna start practice," I heard the coach' voice boom loudly. Just then, the group of girls started screaming and I flinched back. Harry did the same and I laughed at our expressions.

"Again, you don't have to stay for the whole practice. And I still have that student council meeting after; which is in an hour," I told him, smiling.

"And I said I was gonna stay to watch you practice - with your team," he said, smiling back at me. I shook my head and ran off to the team.

Andy gave me a weird look and asked, "You know Styles?"

"You mean Harry? Yeah, we just met today," I replied.

"Didn't think you knew him," he said, leaving me confused. Why does everyone keep saying that? Is it that obvious I didn't notice him and Louis before? As if I didn't already feel bad!

"Okay, enough chit chat, ladies! Let's run through the play. Payne, you are on the yellow team against the blue team. Alright, get into your positions!" the coach yelled and we ran to our positions.

"Why is HE watching?" I heard some boys mumbling. I looked to where they were looking, and Harry being the only guy watching, he was probably who they were talking about.

"Yeah, he's never been to a game before. Why would he come to watch us practice?" another guy said.

"He probably wants to check us out, like the rest of the girls," said another guy, waving at the girls, who ignored him.

"You really think he's gay?" another asked, laughing with the others.

"Alright, focus guys! Let's just get through this then we can go home," I said, just to stop them from talking about Harry like that.

We started practice and I was the first to get the ball. I passed it to Andy, who passed it back to me. I ran as I kicked the ball around my 'opponents' and kicked the ball to the net. The goalie missed it and I scored.

"Good kick, Payne! And Bryans! Keep your eye on the ball! Don't let him score again," the coach yelled.

We played for an hour and I scored 5 times. Keith wasn't able to block my shots; which was good for me, but bad for him. Coach made him run a lap before heading to the change room.

I let everyone else walk ahead of me and I jogged over to the bleachers to meet Harry.

"I see you stayed for the whole hour," I said when I reached him.

He chuckled and said, "I said I would, didn't I?"

"You gone deaf yet?" I asked playfully as we walked to the change rooms.

"No, not yet. I survived it this time, but I can't promise next time. Those girls know how to scream," he said to me, smiling.

"You're coming to watch again next time?" I asked, quite shocked about that statement.

He seemed pretty surprised at himself for saying that, but quickly composed his face. He shrugged and smirked. "Maybe I will come again to watch you play football...Or maybe I won't. Unless, you promise that we can meet up for sure tomorrow to start our skit?"

I laughed and said, "For sure tomorrow. I don't wanna disappoint you twice in a row. I don't have anything planned tomorrow, except that."

"Who said you disappointed me?" Harry said playfully as we reached the door to the change room.

"I saw it on your face. But don't worry. I'll make sure to make it up to you tomorrow. Oh! And before I forget, where are we meeting?" I asked as I was about to walk in the change room, but then remembered to ask.

"Hmm...How about - " Harry suggested.

*I'm letting you guys choose: So...Where should they meet up? Harry's or Liam's house? Whichever one you pick, just tought I'd let you know that one of them would meet the family of whoever's house they go to. Want Liam to meet Harry's family, or Harry to meet Liam's family?

And do you think Harry will come back and watch Liam during football practice again?

Let me know! What will happen next?* x

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