Madly in love

Mulai dari awal

"Hmmm...Dare" he said cheekily. Me and the other boys exchanged looks and knew exactly what we were going to dare him to do.

"We dare you to give us your phone and let us tweet anything we want from your account" Jaymi said demandingly.

"Ok but guys nothing inappropriate, because we have some young fans remember" JJ said nervously as he handed us his phone.

"There are no conditions, we can tweet anything we want" Josh Smirked grabbing JJ's phone. We all huddled in a circle around JJ's phone coming up with something to tweet while JJ sat on the sofa on the other side of the room. After a discussion about what to tweet and a lot of laughing at some of the ideas Josh started typing.

'It sucks having the smallest sausage in Union J but I still get my good share😉'

And the he pressed tweet and gave the phone back to JJ.

"OMG GUYS YOU CAN'T TWEET THAT!" JJ screamed when he saw

the tweet.

"We can tweet what we want, and your not aloud to delete it!" I giggled.

"Ok Lucy, truth or dare?" JJ asked me.

"Truth" I said very seriously.

"Did you miss us?" JJ asked cutely which made me giggle.

"Aw of course I missed you boys! when you spend everyday with people and then suddenly stop seeing them for 3 years your bound to miss them!" I smiled.

"Aw look at you getting all soppy" Jaymi laughed.

"I think this calls for a nice group hug" Josh cheered grabbing us all into a cuddle. After doing a few more rounds of truth or dare we started to realise how boring it actually was.

"Guys it's getting late, I think I should head home now" I said stretching.

"Oh it's so late Lucy, why don't you just stay here, I mean it's not like we're strangers" Jaymi laughed.

"Oh no i think I've taken up enough of your time today" I said knowing they have a very busy schedule.

"Oh don't be silly, we love spending time with you!" George said engulfing me in a tight cuddle.

"Please stay?" JJ added.

"I would but I don't have any clothes to sleep in"

"No problem there, we'll sort something out" Josh smiled.

"I guess I'm staying then" I grinned. After sitting and chatting for about an hour we decided to put our pajamas on then watch a film. All the boys changed into their usual pajamas and I borrowed one of JJ's top which went down to below my knees.

We all squeezed onto one sofa; for some strange reason. I was between Jaymi and George.

We put on the film and all snuggled up in a blanket. The first to fall asleep was Jaymi who's head was heavily resting on my shoulder, second to sleep was Josh who managed to ruin the film for everyone else with his loud pig like snoring and JJ quietly dosed off just after Josh. I closed my eyes trying to sleep, but I couldn't due to Josh's loud snoring so I just lay there with my eyes closed.

"Lucy, Lucy are you awake?" I heard a whisper coming from George. I decided not to respond, I honestly just couldn't be bothered. "Lucy... I'm sorry" he paused his voice still remaining a whisper "I didn't let you explain the day you told me about Josh and I was an idiot for it. I got angry and made the biggest mistake of my life... loosing you" he paused again, taking a deep breath "and now I have to tell you this when your sleeping because I can't say it to your face"

"Lucy... I'm still madly I love with you"


*cue Eastenders theme tune*

UGH I'm so sorry this update has taken so long :( I was just busy and then I had writers block (reason why this part is so shit) And fffss I'm feel really bad for not updating.

So anyway what did you think of this part?

What do you think about George still being in love with Lucy?

Do you think that when he said that she should of woken up and been like "Georgey porgey I still love you too, let's get married and have lots of little babies" 😂😂

K sorry bout that guys.

PLEASE vote, comment and share🙏 it honestly means the world, and I love getting all your feedback on here and on twitter.

Love you all😘

~Georges Girls~

(Twitter- @GeorgesNoodles)

Thinking Out Loud {Sequel to 'The Only Exception'}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang