The Red Cup Theory

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I have been writing my whole life, I simply cannot recall a time in my life that I haven't been writing something... Poetry at age 11, my first long fiction piece when I reached junior high school, more poetry to entertain friends and work colleagues... all of which happened before I decided to make writing my career.

So, what has that got to do with RED CUPS, you ask. Well I will explain to you soon enough, but what use is a secret formula when you don't know if it works for sure?

In the coming pages I will give you some of my background and tell you how I stumbled on my RED CUP Theory so you will understand this secret properly before you harness its incredible power.

As well as being born to write I have also had an insatiable appetite to learn the mysteries of the world, the universe and even beyond that.

Our world is so intricate that you could ponder its greatness for a lifetime and never even scratch the surface, but I felt the need to try.

I'm not entirely sure where I should start, but since I am about to impart to you one of my greatest secrets I will try to start off as close to that as possible.

It was early 2003, after having my second child I had some time on my hands. My brother helped me get a computer and loaded his music library on it to get me started.

One day while searching through what he gave me I found an Audio Book by Deepak Chopra. He was talking about Quantum Physics and how thoughts are things.

I listened to that recording many times trying to wrap my head around the things he was teaching. "Every single thing around us was once a thought." My mind boggled, if I thought it, then could I really make it my reality?

That was a scary thought too, since many of us limit ourselves by believing we aren't good enough, or don't deserve the very best.

Not only was Deepak Chopra's book interesting, it was a message that I needed to always vibrate on a positive note. I needed to believe in myself, so the universe would believe in me too.

I started combing websites looking for more information on this theory that "Thoughts are things."

With my latest technology dial up internet I discovered a whole new world emerging... the humble beginning of the digital age.

Everyone was talking about making it big on the internet, incomes that would make your fingers curl, the wrong way! So I decided I should check it out.

I set myself the challenge. Make money with just the computer, dial up internet and no money down ever!!!

So what did an almost computer illiterate mother of 2 with no real experience in anything have to offer the world? I gave the world the only thing I had to offer, my writing skills!

I soon found work with a large copywriting company writing articles and Press Releases for internet pages and PRWEB.

I never spent a cent to get myself work and worked really hard to make a reasonable income of around $400AUD a week. My job as a website writer required quite a lot of researching and I come across a lot of interesting information along the way.

Rhonda Byrne released her book 'The Secret' which was an overnight internet sensation and I was fortunate enough to do a number of promotional articles before and after the release of 'The Secret.'

My articles were based on her book and other materials, which is when I first come across The Laws Of Attraction.

My first introduction was William Walker Atkinson's book 'Thought Vibration Or The Laws Of Attraction, an incredible book everyone should read and best of all it's free.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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