Oliver's face was proud and confident, giving me hope that his idea would work.

"Well I guess you should start planning, but I do believe that you should apologise to Connor first. The poor boy was only looking out for my brother, he didn't mean to intrude on anything." I started, sticking up for poor Connor.

Oliver silent for the first minute, thinking whether or not to do as I say. He was properly a man who had never truly apologised to others -other than me- from the heart. Eventually he nodded in defeat, hopefully releasing his wrongs.

"I'll properly apologise to him this afternoon. In the meantime, for safety reasons of course, how about you take slumber in my room from now on?" He smugly asked.

I knew that this was to come up sooner or later - hopefully the later, but as his mate there was a sought of need and purpose for me to be with him from now one. Yet as a lady, I just didn't find myself comfortable sleeping in the same room with him, but if I had to willing admit it, then yes my attraction towards him was a main cause.

"But I do believe that I am well off in my brothers room, am I not?" I questioned back. I think he knew I would reply like this, as his smug smile transformed into a confidence-knowing smirk.

"For comfort of family yes, for protection no. If the Jester were to attack sooner than planned, would dear young Andrew be able to care for you, or will he be the one cared for?" He spoke confidence in his reply, knowing just as well that I would protect Andrew over myself. He was my only family left, how couldn't I?

"I see your point, but who will be there to protect Andrew, if the Jester goes to hurt the ones I love the most?" Oliver's smile fell just a bit, I did not see why but could it have been due to my over care of Andrew?

"If that is your concern, then he'll share with Connor, those two get along well and even Connor can be mature at times." He then made strong eye contact with me, cupping his hands on the both of mine, raising them to his chin. "I promise you, Andrew will be safe with Connor. However, my priority is to make sure that you are safe at all times." His voice had become lower and softer at this point, indicating that he took this matter seriously as well as delicately.

He rose his warm hands that were covering mine to his lips, delicately placing a soft kiss there.

My heart soared, a small red heat rushing to my face.

I sighed in defeat, knowing well enough that Andrew would be safer with Connor. Besides, I would be safer with Oliver.

"I agree with your idea, I shall be with you and Andrew with Connor. However this is-" I was immediately cut off and off guard when Oliver stood up, swinging me around in his arms.

He was overjoyed just by this??

Even if this was found to be immature, I still felt my heart swoon from the admiration and joy I continuously got from him. It even made me break out in a laugh.


Later that evening, Oliver went to properly apologise to Connor. I could see them talking from my bedroom, that I was soon to leave from.

Oliver had his arms crossed the whole time, trying to have a strong and meaningful look to his appearance, yet of course Connor saw through that and broke into a ginormous laugh. Going on about how he couldn't believe Oliver, the Alpha, was apologising to silly, little him.

This went on for a while, but the troubling issue of where Andrew was came to mind. He couldn't have gone far and highly unlikely for him to leave, so where was he?

My window wasn't giving me enough clearance to see, yet I was warned to not leave when it was close to sunset, especially with this Jester supposedly coming. I had agreed to myself that if he was not to be seen in the village, I would ask for help from the others. Hopefully that stayed an 'if'.

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