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Pure white was a blend with the off-white walls when the boy sat up, rubbing his right hand against his eyes, his left  covering his mouth as he yawned.

He blinked his golden eyes open, looking around in surprise, he swung his legs over the hospital bed, seeing his clothes neatly folded on a chair in front of him. Now, he was only wearing a blue hospital gown.

He pushed himself off of the bed, and stood, his feet touching the cold floor. There were no windows, and the room was painted in pastel blue and white. Somewhat like the ark.

He grabbed his clothing, and got changed, preferring to not be as naked as a rattlesnake.

He tied his medium long hair back in a loose ponytail with his counter part's trademark red ribbon. He adjusted the boots over his feet, and was off, making eye contact with the shiny black boxes  in the corners where he saw them, knowing that somehow the things were watching his every move.

He entered into the hallway, and took a sharp left, going off instinct, a scowl on his face, despite it clashing with this innocent face of Allen's.

His boots clacked on the metal ground, and he was only half way down the hall when he saw someone coming his way. They were quite taller than his body's stature, and there was someone with them, though the other was more timid while the first gave off an air of confidence.

He slipped into the hallway to his left, just enough for them to pass without having seen him.

When they past, he took note of their features. The more confident one of the two had buzzed, short brown hair that was straight, and a small beard growing over his jawline. His body was sculpted rather well.

The one with him, on the other hand, was a bit shorter than the first, with untamed curly brown hair and dark skin. His eyes were hidden behind his glasses, and he didn't look that fit from what he could tell.

The two passed without any problems, and the white haired stranger continued his way down the hall; the direction the other two had come from despite the fact there'd probably be more people.

The building he was in was so..foreign. It was like he was in another world. It was futuristic, if that was the right word.

He came to an open, bigger hallway, which lead to an extremely large room, covered in windows. Looking in, he realized he wasn't in a building, he was in the sky! He'd seen some weird things. For example; A talking, flying umbrella. A killing machine that could evolve and float. A man who could pass through anything he wanted.

But this. Something this large. He had to stop a moment and collect himself.

He gained composure, and listened to the bustling, some panicked, voices in the room.

He heard of few of them talking about something called a "tesseract", others about the Norse god Loki, and then others he didn't care much for. What the hell was this place?

He knew full well this body's power, and he was going to use it if he had to. And if he got captured, he could get out. He was 99.99% sure, that if he could kill nearly all of the strongest race of humans ever known to man, he could handle himself with a couple hundred normal humans.

He tugged on the gloves covering his hands, and walked to his left, away from the room. He wouldn't be able to escape the floating fortress, so why not have a look around instead!

As he walked further down the hall, he heard panicked yelling behind him, and red lights started to flash, and he had the feeling he wasn't going to be having a pleasant day.

He quickly sprinted down the hall, checking rooms for places to hide. Finding none that were unlocked, he went for the next best thing: the vents. Surely that would lead him to somewhere, and keep him hidden better than any room could.

He busted one of the hinges off the nearest vent, and pulled himself in, the space was quite cramped, and he had to push through quickly, away from were he had entered.

As this vent was one on the floor, it quickly led him to the under boarding of the shuttle, and he dropped down into what looked like the mechanics room. It was large, and steel wiring was all over the floors, large metal tubes lined the walls and flooded through the entire room.

There was a catwalk just ahead, and another walkway just below it with glass walls.

This place really was just to strange for him.

He dusted himself off, some oil staining his shoulder and knees, but that was it. His gloves, on the other hand, were nearly now completely black.

'Oh well,' He thought, taking the right glove off and running said hand through this bodies white hair. He could hide out here for a while at least. 'Hopefully.'


What seemed like only a few minutes passed before loud footsteps were heard coming his way, and he quickly started to fast walk in the opposite direction. From the sound of the footsteps, he was sure there were at least two people.

He could get in too much trouble. He was almost completely certain this place wasn't apart of The Order.

Taking a chance, he stopped, turning around to face the direction the people were coming from.

It only took them a few seconds to catch up to him, they were wearing strange uniforms, and they both were men. Rather bland looking, if he had anything to say about it.

They aimed their guns at him, speaking words he didn't listen to. Well, he did, but, selective hearing.

"I'm sorry kiddos, but do you work under the Vatican?" He questioned. He couldn't risk getting caught by them again, and forcing Allen into that situation. He'd fight through hell and back to stop that from happening.

The two men looked at each other, raising their eyebrows. "" At that, the unknown man with the strange white hair and evil grin that didn't suit him, raised his hands up in surrender.


Finally! Another! Chapter! I'm getting inspiration and AIRBEUFKWJFKDNKWHFNEO be ready for what I have in mind because my heart hurts

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