14: And The Hardest Part Of This Was Leaving You.

Start from the beginning

I just hope that I was the person to come along and sort out at least some of your imperfections, to fix them and patch them up. I know that along the way, I've created more and more, but I've fixed things on the way, too, right? You've changed almost all of mine for me, but I just can't be fixed.

I wish you could change that.

But, you can't.

I'm sorry, Frank.

Enjoy the drawing I made just for you, my squire.

And, I really did love you. I still do.

But, the universe is saying it isn't the right time, but that's okay. The world wasn't ready for us yet. Maybe, it will. Someday soon.



I set the note aside, folding it in perfect squares several times before shoving it into my pocket. Jogging down the few stairs that led into the garage, I saw the unfinished piece of art still in it's calm state. My boots clapped against the cemented floor as I ran my hands against the rough edges of the canvas, my eyes scanning the piece of work I'd spent so much time on in the past three months.

Just as I headed back inside to place the note on the painting, my phone buzzed in my pocket, startling me slightly.

"Oh, heya Frankie," I said, placing the cold metal against my ear.

"Finally!" Frank screamed from the other end of the line, making me even more jumpy, "I called you, like, seven times!"

"I know," I sighed, kicking at the carpet beneath my feet as I waved Mikey out of the room.

There wasn't any noise from either end of the phone for a few moments as I fidgeted with the note in my hands.

"Hey, Frank?"

"Hm," I heard him huff from the line.

"Can you possibly come very soon? We're going to be leaving soon, and I want to show you something before Mikey pulls me into the car."

"Oh-" He said, sounding slightly unsure, "Sure. I'll be right over, is that okay?"

"Of course. See you soon," I said, setting the phone down after hanging up with a sigh, walking out of the room to go find Mikey. I didn't see my phone buzz, but I wasn't paying attention, either.

Mikey was outside, bags and luggages in the process of being stuffed into the car by the combined force of Mikey, my mom, and my dad. My parents smiled over their shoulder at me, every so often mumbling a word or two under their breath before giving the bags one final shove and closing the back. Walking over to their place on the lawn with my hands bunched in the pockets of my hoodie, Mikey clapping his hands together in an effort to clean any excess dirt or dust from his fingertips.

"Mikey, you're not even staying, so I don't understand why you're taking so many things."

"I'm not, a bunch of this is yours, Gee."

My mom came over at that point, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. She inhaled deeply, releasing it afterwards as my shoulders tensed and raised up to my neck. She stayed like this for an extended period of time, and, might I add, an extremely uncomfortable amount of time. Mikey was snickering behind our mother, and our father was standing off to the side with a kind smile on his face, but nothing more. My mother began to speak, finally loosening her grip to enable me to breath, "You have no idea how much I'm gonna miss you, my Gee Bear." She said, ruffling my hair. I huffed, slapping her hands away and brushing it back down, my teal dyed roots soon returning into their natural place.

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