Chapter 10

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Sooooo... This chapter is really short & sucky.... But I felt like I should upload something since its been like 3 FREAKING MONTHS SINCE I UPDATED


but yeah

That's my apology speech thingy thing.

Sorry xD

Chapter 10


Ross's voice echoed through the large house.

"Up here!" I screamed back, placing a bookmark on my page.

"Whatcha reading?" Ross asked, sitting down on my bed next to me with a loud thump. I scooted off to the side more so he could crawl under the comforter with me.

"Divergent!" I breathed excitedly. "Aka the best book EVER."

"So you're into reading now?" Ross raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "It helps pass time. Plus.... You start to feel like you're in their world. Instead of yours. It's... Nice...." I spaced out for a moment, thinking about the storyline and all that had happened in the book so far. "I started it as soon as I got home from your house this morning, and I'm nearly done." I handed him the book.

He read the back quickly before handing it back to me. "You should show that to Riker! It looks like something he'd like," Ross pulled himself closer to me so our bodies were touching, setting a series of fireworks off in my mind and making my breath catch in my throat. "So what are we doing today?" Ross's upbeat voice dragged me out of my thoughts.

I shrugged. "Completely up to you."

Ross's eyes lit up. "Let's watch a movie!" He shouted, jumping up and running for my movie basket without waiting for an answer.

Ross slid open my closet, pushing aside a couple of baskets before he found the right one. "How about Pitch Perfect?" He suggested, holding out a disc.

I shook my head. "I've seen that like, over 20 times."

Ross laughed, placing it gently back in the box before searching around a little more. "What about What to Expect When You're Expecting?"

"YES!" I screamed, jumping on him. Goosebumps traveled up my arms from the contact, and I immediately unlatched my arms from around his neck.

Ross smiled up at me. "C'mon, let's watch it downstairs." He grabbed my hand before pulling me onto his back and running downstairs. He dropped me on the couch and got to work with setting everything up.

"Hey do you have any popcorn?" Ross asked absent mindedly, his gaze focused on the blu-ray DVD player as the disc slowly slid in.

"Yeah...." I ran to the kitchen, pulling out an old popcorn machine Ross had found a couple months before when he was looking through my dad's old stuff. I poured some of the fun corn stuff (I'm so great at explaining things....) into the contraption and waited impatiently as it slowly began popping and picking up pace.

I poured the finished popcorn into a big metal bowl before bringing it back to the couch, telling Ross that if he wanted butter or anything he had to get it himself. He rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything, obviously too lazy to go get anything.

The movie started, and Ross lay down across my lap. I could still remember when Ross had been nearly my height and had for almost perfectly lengthwise across my couch -- but now he was nearly a whole foot taller. His feet hung oddly off one end of the couch, while I was squished up against the other side with his pretty head in my lap as he and I both shook with laughter.

When Rosie (Anna Kendrick's character) realize shed lost the baby, I frowned as I felt Ross press his face into my lap.

"Something wrong?" I asked quietly.

"No in fine," he muttered.

"You sure?"

"It's just..." Ross sat up, running a hand through his hair. "After, when he drove her back to her house, he should've followed her inside and consoled her, not left. That's not what people who love each other do."

"They didn't love each other," I pointed out. "Plus..... He was just being like everyone else..."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Leaving when things got tough. Everyone always leaves."

Ross started to say something, but he was cut off by the sound of my mom coming home.

"I'm home!" She squeaked in her business-like voice.

I ignored her, throwing a handful of popcorn in my mouth and turning the tv volume up louder.

"Hi Mrs. Bond!" Ross shouted, not moving from his spot next to/on me.

"Hello Ross." My mother walked into the room, her black heels making loud clicking noises as she stepped. "How are you?"

I frowned at her. What was she doing home? She never came home. She usually just stayed at a hotel near her office, since the drive back here was over an hour long.

Ross looked at me, then turned to my mom. "I'm alright. You?"

"Wonderful! Cassy is your dad still home?"

I nodded, feeling my eyes glaze over as I let out a loud yawn.

"Sleepy?" Ross laughed, turning the tv volume down as my mom passed through.

"A bit." I leaned into Ross's chest, almost smiling as his body slightly shook as he laughed.

Maybe today wouldn't be as bad as I thought it was going to.

I didn't know how wrong I was.

Be There (Ross Lynch Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora