Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Sorry I never update this fic. I haven't actually really updated any fanfics of mine recently, but I seem to slack on this one especially. Thank you to everyone who's actually reading, it means the world to me! I'm sooooo happy I hit 300 reads!!!!! You guys think we could get it to 500 reads & 20 votes before April 16th? 'Cause that's my birthday. And it'd be awesome to hit half a thousand before then, and getting votes is fun and accomplishing. Lol. Anyway, I've been kind of having a um... Tough time you could say, so I kind of used this as a little rant for me, idk lol. I feel like it's a little rushed but whatever. xD please vote/fan/comment! Do you like it? Love it? Hate it? Have any ideas for things I can change? Please please I really wanna know your opinion!

Like seriously. If you leave a comment I will love you forever.

Chapter 4

"Why does Cassadee have to go?" Ross complained to Willie.

"Mama's orders," Willie picked a few donut crumbs off his chest.

"Please don't make me leave," I begged.

"Sorry, Cassy," Willie grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the tour bus.

"I can't even grab my stuff?!" I shot Willie a look.

He sighed, letting go of my wrist so i could run to the very back area of the RV, where all of my belongings were scattered everywhere. Ross followed me.

"Why is your mom so paranoid about you being onstage?" He breathed in my ear quickly.

I opened my mouth, about to spill everything. Then I remembered: no one except me and my parents could know who I really was. I shrugged, avoiding his eyes. "I don't know," I said quietly.

Ross snorted. "I know you're lying. Come on, if you tell me, maybe I can call her and convince her to let you stay!"

"I can't," my voice cracked. What was I going to do for two weeks without Ross?

"Why not?" Ross was obviously hurt, his sweet face creased in a frown.

I looked up at him under my long eyelashes. "I'm not allowed."

"Cass, I'm your BEST friend. Don't you think you can trust me?" Ross took my hand in his, pulling me closer to him.

"I trust you," I said quietly. "But my parents don't."

"So? They won't have to know you told me. Please?" He gave me his puppy dog eyes, resting his forehead against mine like he always did when he wanted something from me, rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.

My stomach churned in an unnatural way, and I could feel my heartbeat quickening. I caught myself staring at his lips. "You'd hate me," I whispered. "You wouldn't want to be around me anymore."

"No I wouldn't hate you!!" Ross's eyes flashed with anger that quickly dissolved, his voice getting softer again. "Nothing would ever make me not want to be around you."

My heart was about to bounce out of my chest. Ross's breath felt hot against my nose. I gulped before shaking my head and staring at the ground.

Ross sighed. "Fine. Fine, be like that." He took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, making me want to fling myself at him and tell him everything, but I held back.

I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned down to throw the last pair of shorts into my bag, then I waved awkwardly at Ross, who seemed to be pouting.

"Bye Ross."

"Bye Cassy."


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