Chapter 2

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Hey guys! sorry I never update this fic, & this chapter is really boring, but whatever! it'll get better later on! thanks to those of you who are reading lol.

Chapter 2

"What's that?" I asked Riker as I sat in Ross's lap on my phone, pointing at whatever Riker was playing on on his computer.

"Tumblr?" Riker looked at me like I was crazy. I made a face. "You've never heard of tumblr?"

"Nope," I turned back to my phone.

"Do you live under a rock?"

Ross shot him a look. It was a well known fact that when anyone who wasn't Ross insulted me, I took it personal. VERY personal.

"Pretty much," I played with one of Ross's fingers.

Riker made a face.

We had been on the tour bus for less than an hour, and it seemed like I was already annoying everyone except Ross, who spent his time frowning at his siblings and attempting to make me laugh. Ryland didn't seem to mind me much, either.

"When are we going to get there?" Ratliff asked absent mindedly, his eyes fixed on his computer.

"Right now," Ross said, looking out the window as we pulled into a parking lot behind what looked like on the outside, a rundown giant shack thing.

Ross gently slid me off his lap, and him and his siblings ran up to the building screaming and yelling like lunatics, me following gloomily behind as slowly as possible, my arms crossed over my chest.

Ratliff walked next to me, talking to the camera about what weirdos the Lynches were, while ryland pulled all the stuff out of the bus.

Suddenly Ratliff turned the camera towards me. "This is Ross's girlfriend."

My face turned red. "What?"

"Isn't she cute?" Ratliff asked hte camera, pushing it close to my face and filming my nose.

"What are you doing?! I am NOT Ross's girlfriend!!" I whacked his camera.

Ratliff shrugged, turning off the Camera. "The way he talks about you, I'm surprised you aren't yet."

And with that, he galloped away.

I stopped for a moment, accidentally waiting long enough for ryland to catch up with me.

"Hey can you hold this?" He puffed, handing me three mic stands and two pairs of drum sticks. What was I supposed to say? No?

I nodded and took the things from him.

"So..." Ryland said awkwardly. "Having fun yet?"

I laughed. "Yeah. Right. Sure." I muttered.

"Don't let them get to you," ryland made a face. "They're just jealous that Ross always wants to spend his free time with you instead of them."

I snorted. "No, they think I'm a bad influence on him..."

"You're two years younger than him, though," ryland pointed out.

"That doesn't make any difference. Come on, you have to admit, I'm not exactly the person you'd want your kid to hang out with 24/7..." I gestured at myself. I had on a cut up black shirt, with My dark brown hair flowing across my shoulders, covering my exposed back. I had on a pair of fake gouges, and I had on a pair of dark short jean shorts. The only splash of color I had on was a bracelet that Ross had made me wear, that had R5's website written across it in big pink letters.

Ryland shrugged. "They're going to be stuck on a tour bus with you for two straight weeks, I think they'll warm up to you by the end."

I attempted to shoot him a smile, but in reality, somehow I knew Ross's family would always have this odd hatred for me.

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