The Beginning

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A young girl lay curled up in her bed shaking in fear. Her messy brown hair covers her blue eyes her right one bruised and she sobbed silently. "Lauren open the damn door." Her father pounded on her door to beat her yet again.

Lauren finally snapped, she scatters to search for something to defend herself with. The door sounded as if it would break at any given moment.

As Lauren searched, the door began to crack. Her breath hitched as she quickly grabbed the closest thing- a meat cleaver. She held in tightly in her grasp as her psychotic, drunk father busted in.

"What do you think you're doing, you little worthless brat?" He growled. Her father wasn't a very kind man. He grabbed her by the hair, causing Lauren to panic as tears streamed down her face. Lauren swung the cleaver until she heard a yelp from her father.

The cleaver had hit his stomach as he let her go, falling in his own blood. He stared down at the wound, screaming. "YOU LITTLE UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" He howled in pain. Lauren stood, frozen. All the abuse, all the pain. It got to her. Now was her chance. She quickly swung the cleaver down onto the man's face, her blue orbs wide. Her face was blank as the 17 year old burst into cackling.

As the man cried in pain Lauren starts screaming things at him and he yells in agony. The neighborhood heard all that they call the police and in a few minutes sirens are heard in the distance.

Lauren packs what she needed knowing she was now a murderer, she could not trust anyone. Meanwhile a boy is in the woods as if he was looking for something he looked around 18 and had red eyes with white hair.

The Tale Of A Psycho And A DemonWhere stories live. Discover now