3. Tinker, Tinder

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I'm updating this story more frequently than I expected. Probably cause of all the wonderful feedback I've gotten from you guys.


If anyone asked Amir what day he looked forward to the most, he'd reply sincerely stating that it was Saturday.

Not just because the work week had ended and some serious R&R was in the books, but because every Saturday he drove to Manchester to visit his family.

Sure it was tedious driving three hours instead of curling up with nothing but socks and his university hoodie, but visiting his parents and seeing the smile on their faces was well worth it.

He hadn't originally planned to live in London after uni, it just so happened that most of the job offers he'd gotten were located there. After his stint with Aljazeera he'd already become too used to the city and didn't have it within him to move back home. His

Mum had always insisted but he suspected that she just wanted him close all the time.

Slowing down his car into the familiar neighborhood, a warm feeling settled in his chest at the sight of his childhood home.

Mum wasn't quite big on changing things. She and his Baba had moved there during the first year anniversary and ended up raising their five children there. It wasn't very big; five bedrooms and a basement. It was cozy and every bit a home. The white paint on the door chipped a little but Mum always insisted that she'd paint it herself. She never did though. It gave their house a bit of character anyway. The daises and petunias carefully planted by her were still as healthy as they were when Amir was in Sixth Form. An odd combination but it worked.

From outside, Amir could see the pale pink living room curtains shuffle against the window meaning that there a couple of mini spies watching him. He couldn't help but smile at the realization. Some habits did die hard.

Before he could even properly lock up the car, two small but fast beings had run out of the house at an alarming rate and collided on his legs.

"Amir you're home!" The two identical girls chorused. Their bright green eyes shone towards his. He'd inherited his mother's brown eyes while the girls all got his father's. She always claimed that they did a switch with genders.

They both clawed at his trousers adorably wanting to be picked up at the same time. The little ones, Rasa and Raha had not yet comprehended that not all adults were as strong as their Baba who could life them up with both hands.

Chuckling, he knelt to their level hugging them both "I missed you two so much."

"How much?" Rasa asked adorably. Leave it to her to challenge the depths of anyone's emotion. He pretended to think before spreading out his arms wide "This much!"

"Well I missed you this much!" Raha tried to spread her hands apart to outdo her brother as was her nature. Amir ended up laughing and hugging them closer.

It was then his mother rushed out of the house to see what her girls had been up to and make sure that they hadn't run across the road or something.

"Girls you can't go outside of the house without Mum following you." She scolded. "I've told you this before."

Immediately they both upheld similar apologetic looks "We're sorry."

"Don't do it again." She kissed their heads. She then turned to and smiled at her eldest son "Don't tell me you think you're now too old to get a kiss from your mother."

Amir laughed "Wouldn't dream of it Mum."

Alaleh hugged her son as tightly as she could. It was no real surprise seeing that he'd been coming every weekend but it was still appreciated each time. Her son was all grown up but he'd remain a baby in her eyes. A baby who she suspected was still unfortunately single but she'd change that soon enough.

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