So PeRfEcTlY HeCtIc ~ ChApTeR 3

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Sadness and despair took over Harley's face, the joker was grinning beaming with excitement,
"We're gonna have so much fun together" he exclaimed jumping around in his seat
"What about me  Mistah J?" Harley asked him tears running down her face, the mascara slowly trickling down her pale and gaunt face.
He took her hand is his, before leaning in kissing Harley their lips locked, it wasn't a sloppy kiss. It was a kiss that symbolised true love.

She slowly pulled away lovingly gazing at him, she looked entranced at the sight of him.
"Why Mistah J, your so perfect!"she exclaimed sighing with joy.
"Well I am a handsome devil" and they both began to laugh.
"I've always heard you giggle Harls but never a laugh like that" he kissed her again this time more passionately.

Alarms began to go off and red lights covered Harley's room, the Joker flew back and clapped his hands together.
"Its time!" He exclaimed "Harley stay close to me ok! My guards  and I will protect you so stay with me!"
And with that security burst into the room and picked the Joker up placing him in a wheelchair "Until next time Dr Quinn" he said winking at her.
"Is it ok if I escort the patient with you, I just want to make sure he gets back to his cell safely", the guard looked at her sternly
"Sorry Miss Quinn I'm afraid I can't let you do that" he began to walk away,
"I said I would like to come!" her hands were balled into fists and her knuckles were as pale as the Jokers skin.
In an instant the guard rushed up to Harley grabbing her face hard "I said you can't come!" He shouted his grip tightening with every word, Harley brought her hand up and slapped the guard round the face, his bruise already forming and turning a sickly green
" She hits hard doesn't she?" the Joker laughed dirtily and began to laugh hysterically, as did Harley.
"That's enough from you clowns" menacingly glaring at the joker, a wide pleasant grin on his face
"And as for you Bitch, report to my office tomorrow " Harley shook her head
"I have a higher position than you so I wouldn't be threatening me "she began to walk away but turned round.
"You are the only whiny Bitch in here", with a look of determination and victory on her face Harley spun on her heel and began to push the joker out of her room.
The guards stood there in awe mouths gaping and some even drooling.

"Why Harls that was amazing" he whispered and grin spread on her face

She pushed him down the dimly lit corridor, it was a dark and cold night, more guards stood patrol in the hallway and the all stared at Harley as she walked past. They has just gotten to the end of the hallway when Harley looked back and an explosion went off, orange fire broke through the wall and threw the guards to the floor, instantly guards turned round and out of the smoke came men in horrifying masks carrying guns.
One man was wearing an eyeball mask another a baby mask, they began to mow down the guards one by one .Their blood splattering over the rotten walls .
"BOYS IM HERE!" The joker exclaimed a grilled smile spread across his face.
They slowly pushed forwards dropping smoke grenades to give them an advantage.
They edged towards The Joker, the eyeball henchman ran forwards to release him but a guard spun round from a corner and shot the guard, bullet holes covering his jumpsuit and red oozing from his body covering the floor.
Harley picked up the gun and shot the guard in the leg with no remorse, and then shot The Joker's locks and he was free.

A sea of guards ran down the hallway pursuing The Joker, Harley ran for the henchman's protection. She tripped and began to scramble across the floor over the dead bodies, her hands sticky with fresh burgundy blood.
The henchmen began to fire on the guards, it was a showdown. The Joker picked up a gun and ran to Harley handing her a guards revolver and they ran off and barricaded themselves in a room.

"Mistah J they are gonna kill us!" Harley sobbed, as she barricaded the doors with him. His fingers brushed her face wiping the tears from her face,
"Don't worry Puddin daddy's got it covered" he said with a sinister grin. Suddenly the guards broke in through the back.
They began to smash the barred window and wiggled through the gap. After they all got through they formed a circle blocking the doors. They began to raise their guns and aim them at Harley and the Joker.

Joker smashed the thin glass and pulled out an axe, he blew Harley a kiss before turning round and lunging at a  guard embedding the sharp blade into his neck. The blood erupting from his throat and covering the Jokers face. He began to laugh as he pulled the axe out of the mans limp neck. Then suddenly he was everywhere slicing and dicing the men into tiny little pieces. Harley fully undertood why they locked him up. He was a physchopath, one that she loved

________________________________hi guys hope u enjoyed the new chapter will updating again in a few days to stay tuned , remember to like and comment (commend are well appreciated and I love reading them) also might amp up the gore next chapter tell me if u would like that 😊🔨🔫🔪☠ CREDIT TO ThatGhibli_Howls FOR READING THROUGH AND CHECKING

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