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A/N: I've neglected you guys :( Sorry!! The majority of my exams are over now, so you'll get some more updates I'm hoping!

Anyway, enjoy! <3

"What did you get for it?"

"Is it true you hit him?"

Al and Scor were sat at the Slytherin common room the next day, chuffed to bits even though they were in the biggest trouble they'd ever been in. The whole school had found out about what had happened after school, and now Al was a bit of a celebrity, now for a much better reason than because of his father.

Scor shushed everyone, and they all leant in to listen like Jesus with his disciples. Even Sylvian was impressed. "Basically, Hillbourne wouldn't help us with the potion. It was clear we couldn't do it, right? So this is our second hard attempt, and we actually tried this time, honest."

Al nodded enthusiastically.

"Hillbourne comes over and tells us it's wrong and that we have to try yet again, and Al flips, throws the cauldron next to us right at Hillbourne and it hits him right here," he said, pointing to his chest. "Then Al tells him to go to hell and we both run away," Scor finished, a triumphant smile on his face. That wasn't quite what happened, Al knew, but Scor changed the story every time and Al just wanted Scorpius to not be so foul a lot of the time, so he allowed him to tell it how he wanted. It was funny how being in so much trouble put him in such a good mood.

The Slytherin table was filled with congratulations and praise, as nobody really liked Hillbourne, so Scor'd really increased in popularity, which was good for him.

However, Al didn't want to even mention what the teachers thought. After a couple of hours of hiding in their dorm, too scared to go outside, the only Professor that could come into Slytherin did, and it was Stanford.

Al had never heard someone shout so loud. Honestly, what he'd done hadn't been that bad, but Stanford had gone on about how Hillbourne could have been seriously hurt, and how they'd run away and how bad that was, and what Al had said. He'd gone harder on Al, for actually pushing that cauldron off the table even though it had not landed anywhere near Hillbourne, but Scor, thankfully, was included too. Al hated getting in trouble on his own. It was only fun when him and Scor could joke afterwards about how when Stanford talked, little bits of spit flew out of his mouth and his moustache quivered.

Their punishments were bad, but Al actually thought they would have been a lot worse. They both had detention for a month, Howlers were being sent home (which Scor was absolutely dreading most of all), and finally, they weren't allowed to take Potions with Hillbourne. This bit of news had delighted them to begin with, but then Stanford told them they still had to take the class, only not with Hillbourne because they 'assaulted' him. Instead they had the other older Potions teacher who taught the 6th and 7th years, and as their timetables and his were full, they now had to do it in their free time which was torture. Their new Professor was nicer than Hillbourne, but he hated having to teach them after school, and as it was only them in a lesson it got quite intense. He was often tired of Al and Scor's less-than-satisfactory Potions knowledge, but it meant they had to concentrate a lot more, and much to his dismay, Al was learning things. It was so frustrating; there were a lot of better spells he could be filling his head with.

Everyone was clapping Al on the back for it, and Scor was a lot happier than he'd been a few days before though, so it really had more positive than negative effects. They'd have to assault more teachers in the future if they were ever in bad moods again.

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