"Let's split up?" Are you an idiot?!

14 1 1

Bethan's P.O.V

By the time the others had caught up with me, we were at our destination, and Christ was it hot. The air was scorching. Oh, that's why.

"Seriously? I mean, seriously? It's two days into the apocalypse people, two! Why are we burning down buildings?! There's hardly anyone left on the Earth alive, but I guess it just so happens that those people are arsonists! Great, this is fantastic!"

Jason's P.O.V

I could see the moment that Chloe and Leo switched off, I would have to... If I weren't so busy laughing my ass off. It had been far too long since I had had the pleasure of listening to one of Bethan's ridiculous rants. I crept up behind her and caught her in a hug.

"I don't know if I told you this, but damn I missed you!" Her rapid words were cut off when I rubbed my head on top of hers. I could hear... nothing actually. I looked behind me curiously to see Chloe covering Leo's mouth, her own mouth twisted into a face-splitting smile. She saw me looking at her and gestured wildly with her free hand to continue. I arched one of my brows, then it hit me. I let go of Bethan and heard her complain quietly about how I had "murdered the comfortable aura that I had going on".

"Erm, right... so, Bethan, what should we do?" Leo spoke before me or Chloe could open our mouths.

"Well, there are other shops about, scout those I guess... we are on a schedule though, check the shops before the fire gets to it. Or don't, it's your choice!" She gave a slight shrug and snort to punctuate her sentence.

"I think we should split up! We can check the area quicker that way!" Chloe's hand shot up into the air, as though talking to a teacher.

"Split up? Chloe what the hell man?! It's like you're trying to kill us or something! Split up..." My small friend gave a slight huff and crossed her arms as her eyes slid shut, shaking her head.

I gave a slight yelp (it was super manly though (don't look at me like that)) as I found my body lurched forwards as I witnessed Chloe grab my normal arm and dash past Bethan.

"You get Leo! Bond by the time we get back, 'k?" I heard Chloe shout over at Bethan, who's face had since gone blank with the realisation that Chloe completely broke the first rule of horror.

Never split up from the group.

Leo's P.O.V

I felt my soul leave my body as Bethan's stance went from comical to rigid in 0.2 seconds. She turned towards my and blinked dumbly for a second before sighing and running a hand down her face. She started grumbling, something about, first rule of horror? What does that mean? you know what, never mind.

"I-I'm sorry that you're stuck with me!" I clasped my hands together and clenched my eyes shut, expecting to hear some kind of slur towards me.

"Nah, don't worry about it! Its not that I was sighing at, I don't mind you at all... I suppose seeing Chloe already ditched us, we should get going right?" Her words were croaky, as though she were tired. I searched her face for a few seconds, searching for any kind of sign that she was just saying things to make me feel better. I saw none. I heard her sigh again.

"Look, I know what you're doing. Looking for a lie right?" I could feel my jaw unhinge and I began sputtering, trying to force out an excuse. She sighed a third time. She looked so tired.

"I'm going t say this once, so listen up. Whatever people have done to you in the past, I'm sorry, not that it happened, but that its left you scared. But, I wont lie to you. I am many things, but not a liar. I get nothing from lying to you, why would I waste energy on thinking up sugar-coated niceties?" Her words were strong, despite rubbing at her eyes and having her shoulders slump.

"Y-you might pity me... others before you have, what makes you any d-different?!" I was getting hysterical, overreacting completely, I know, but how could she just say that?! I saw her face go blank, her eyes half lidded, no light reflected from them; they seemed dark. Her mouth was a single straight line, not even a tight-lipped smile. She started to stand to her full height (still shorter then me), it was intimidating. I shrunk back, afraid of the consequences of my words.

She popped her back and twisted her neck until it have a crunch. She slumped forwards, back to her previous height and yawned, eyes downcast. I grew confused and concerned, my brows furrower and my lip quivered.

"You're right." it was spoken so quietly I almost missed it. Almost.


"You're right," I was cut off, "other people may do it out of pity, you don't know if I'm different to them. Hell, I might be worse." She gave a humourless chuckle, her voice was devoid of emotion and it sent a cold shiver down my spine.

"But, I may be different. Wouldn't it be ironic if you were the one to accuse me of being the same as your tormentors, when you're accusing me of something that I'm not guilty for? Don't look so down, don't be ashamed... It's alright to feel that way." Her face contorted into one of comfort. Her eyes closed, mouth moulded into a small smile, head tilted to one side.

"All I'm trying to say, is that if you trust in me, then I will stick by you, through thick and thin, I promise." Bethan's words were soft now, her voice took on a soothing quality compared to how it croaked earlier.

"But how? H-how can you promise something like that to a person you don't even know?" I was whispering, tears brimmed my eyes as I sniffled. I gave a slight gasp as I was suddenly enveloped in one of the most awkward, and simultaneously, warm hugs I had ever experienced.

"Who cares? If you want to be my friend, if you're going to put your trust in me, who cares? You could be a giant turtle for all I care. I don't have any physical evidence, I cant prove to you that I'll be there, you'll just have to wait and see. I'm sorry for that, but if you're willing to take that risk, I'm more then happy to show you that your trust wasn't misplaced." Her tone slightly cracked as the tone got lower. My body shook and my knees gave out. I clutched the small girl close to me ad buried my head in her shoulder, wailing.

Still, I nodded. 

Sup! If anyone has any suggestions, plot, character or otherwise, feel free to message me! Anyway, if you're reading this, thanks for taking the time! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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