Are you for reals?

21 1 0

Leo's P.O.V

I can't believe it. The first human, like an actual, ALIVE human, and she's insane! I- I can't handle this! I hit her over the head and she tells me to swing harder... Oh god, they must be crazy! Maybe the girl's keeping the other two hostage! AH! This is too much pressure!

"I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" I whimpered pathetically and bowed. The girl twitched and her face fell from a grin into a scowl... Oh no...

"Why do you think I'd hurt you?" I opened my mouth to reply, but I was silenced when she held her hand up. "I'm not going to hurt you, you did what you had to in order to preserve yourself, even if it was completely ineffective. In fact, I wanted to ask if you'd like to join us, I know we're not the best looking group, but its only days into the apocalypse, things can only get worse from here... maybe its best if we stick together." She have an awkward smile and stumbled over her words, but once I understood, I lunged at the tiny girl.

"Thank you! T-thank you! Thank-" My thanks were cut-off when I was roughly shoved away.

Chloe's P.O.V

Oh no... I know of very few people that Bethan lets touch her (only Jason and I). I rushed forwards, shielding the newcomer from Bethan's guilty stare.

"I er... I'm sorry, well, no I'm not, but that wasn't appropriate of me, I overreacted, so I'm sorry for that." Bethan was rubbing the back of her neck as she mumbled out her apologies. I could see the young man, Leo, look to the ground despairingly, eyes filled with tears not yet shed. He let out a surprised yelp as I gathered him up in my arms and held him in a warm embrace.

"Bethan doesn't really like being touched, unless its someone she's really close to. But I like hugs and I'm more friendly then those two!" I smiled at him and giggled slightly as I was shot playful glares from Jason and Bethan. Leo looked up from his despondent gaze and I saw his lip twitch upwards slightly. I let go of him and looked triumphantly at the two other party members standing shoulder to metal, looking at each other strangely, as though they were trying to figure out how I was able to cheer someone up with just a hug. Well, they underestimate the power of hugs!

Leo sniffled and dried his eyes with his sleeve.

"Well, th-thank you! I would like very much to join you! If you'll have me." He was kind of cute, spikey haired and stuttering. I giggle slightly.

"Bethan wouldn't have offered if she didn't mean it!" I nodded as I said my sentence, solidifying my words.

"Yeah, just don't pull anymore shit like that, got it?" Jason piped up after being silent and Leo and I jumped at the suddenness and ferocity in his voice. Bethan snorted and elbowed him in the side.

"Shush your face hole. Of course I meant what I said, you're coming with us right?" Bethan closed her eyes as she tilted her head, cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders back. Leo nodded.

"Although, I guess me and Jason could of just kidnapped you, for your own safety of course." She muttered under her breath. Leo's face paled and I laughed uneasily. Bethan and Jason looked at each other, straight faced, nodded and took a step towards us. Leo let out a shrill noise of surprise and ducked behind me. Bethan and Jason burst into roaring laughter.

"As nice as this is, you guys laughing at someone's pain and all, you're attracting zombies and we still don't know where we're going Bethan!" I slightly raised my voice above the noise of the two idiots rolling on the floor.

"Yeah, alright, I'm up, I'm up. Sorry, Leo right? Yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, I've just missed being in sync with Jason like this." Bethan was still giggling as she tilted her head to the side, one eye closed in a wink.

"Yeah, we didn't mean to scare you guys, just seeing if Bethan could keep up with me after all these years." Jason's tone was a slow drawl as he rested his metal arm on top of Bethan's head.

I sent him a sly wink and saw his face darken in a slight blush as he reluctantly removed his arm from its resting position. Wow, I guess he's not so stoic.

Bethan's P.O.V

"Alrighty then, I guess since we have a horde of slow moving dead things coming towards us, and a new member... We should get supplies and say goodbye to the house. We're going shopping, does anyone have any objections?" I stated, sounding more confident then I felt. That doesn't matter, I have people relying on me, I wont let them down. Think, think!

"Ah! Alright!" Everyone jumped at my sudden exclamation, but leaned closer to my height once I started talking. "We're not going to go for food, we have enough of that, we need to go for medicine, rope, knives, practical shit. We need to avoid people too..." My voice trailed off at the end, slightly cracking. I saw Chloe and Leo look at each other confused. 

"Avoid people? But... what if they need help? What if they have supplies we need?" Chloe spoke softly, her tone quiet due to the uncertainty lacing it, Leo nodded along with her words.

"What she means is that we have to avoid people, there's no guarantee that they're going to be friendly or that they're going to be as weak and calm as Leo was. When people are scared, they do stupid things, they hurt other people and it will only make you two feel worse when you have to witness me and Bethan get rid of them." Jason spoke with a stern tone, his voice absolute. I looked over at him in awe. How was he able to so easily portray my own words? It doesn't matter. I looked over at him and sent him my most genuine smile. He winked and nudged me in return.

" I hadn't thought of it l-like that... You g-guys were the first people I had met, so I guess its wrong to assume that everyone will be as crazy as you." Leo spoke thoughtfully, as though in a daze; he was scared.

"Regardless, we all have to move, now. We've wasted enough time talking, the deadies are closer now, you know how much I hate being touched." I spoke with an arrogant flare, recovering from my bout of insecurity. A lopsided smirk on my face, my incisors catching my lip, I turned on my heel and sprinted in the general direction of town. I laughed with glee as I heard the surprised yelp from Leo, a breathless laugh from Jason and Chloe give a groan and mumbling something about how I had done this twice now.

Yeah, we're going to get along just fine.

Sup!! Bethan here, hope you enjoyed! If you want a character in the story, Oc or otherwise, message me and i'll see what I can do!! Anyway, if you're reading this, thanks for taking the time!


Ahh crap....Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora