Leo you need to swing harder

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Chloe P.O.V

I left the two in the living room in favour of going to Bethan's room to sleep. I came to a stop outside of her door, it was painted white but there was no gloss. Trust Bethan to paint a door without glossing it. I placed a hesitant hand on the handle, with all that's happened, I think I have every right to be paranoid. I bring my hand down in a violent motion, planning to swing the door open, only to have my hand's descent come to a jerking stop. She locked it. I suppose Bethan was paranoid before the apocalypse.

Although, I suppose that's how she was able to plan for everything that's happened though. I trudged back to the living room to ask Bethan where the key was, when my body came to a jarring halt in the doorway. A hand- my own- slapped over my mouth and tears sprung to my brown orbs. I took a deep, calming breath and exhaled just as shakily. I couldn't help it though, a squeal still escaped my lips. 

Jason's head snapped in my direction, eyes... well, eye, was wild and disbelieving and... was that, is that a blush? It is!

"You look adorable! Oh my God! I can't believe it! Why didn't Bethan tell me that you two were together!?" I covered my eyes with my hands and slightly bent over in a crouch as my body convulsed with the need to hug something.

"Sh-shut up! We're not together!" His voice rose slightly too loud and Bethan shifted in her sleep. Jason's reaction was immediate as his arms tightened around her. I squealed again. Jason rolled his eye and then he hesitated, looking down at the petit girl in his lap. He looked upset, he looked mildly guilty too.

"Hey," my voice was gentle and (I hope) comforting, "what's wrong?"

His head moved slightly upwards, but I couldn't see his face because of the sheet of metal covering the left side of his face. He opened his mouth slightly, then closed it again, his head turned slightly towards me and I saw his brow furrow.

"It... It's nothing" he trailed off at the end of his sentence. I muttered under my breath and turned my body towards him.

"Look, we might not know each other very well, hell, we met about 3 hours ago. But, a friend of Bethan's is a friend of mine!" I looked at him, determination evident in my eyes. I saw his gaze waver and finally he hung his head, his chin on top of Bethan's head and words slightly muffled.

"It's nothing serious, honestly, its actually kind of pathetic. I'm just angsty because I know she doesn't like me." He must have seen me open my mouth because he continued fairly swiftly. "Before you say anything, yes, I know this for a fact. She's just not interested in stuff like that, I'm her best frie- one of her best friends and any chance I had is gone now, its the zombie apocalypse, of course she doesn't have time for it!" He looked frustrated and once he realised that he was nuzzling into Bethan, he removed his head and looked off to the side. I grunted, disappointed by the lack of affection being shown.

"Jason, you don't know what Bethan wants, she must trust you an awful lot! She's sitting on your lap for Christ sake! She's fallen asleep on you! And did you see the way her face lit up when you found us?" I was psyching him up, but I did mean it... I also really wanted my new ship to sail.

Jason's P.O.V

I felt my heart pick up the pace as I listened to Chloe's words. I looked down at the sleeping teen in my arms and without my permission, my lips curled into a fond smile. I remembered I had an audience when I heard Chloe give a quiet, barely contained squeal. I sighed.

"So, let me guess, you came in here originally because Bethan's door was locked and you can't find the key, right?" I saw her nod, astounded by my deduction, did she forget that I've been Bethan's friend for... well, as long as I can remember.

"The floor boards by her door, the third one has a green nail, stomp on that plank, the key in on a small hook under the plank to the left." I gave slight gestures as I described where the key was, at least, I think that's where it is, unless Bethan changed where she kept it. Chloe got up from where she was perched on the sofa and marched into the hallway.

About 20 minutes had passed and Chloe hadn't come back, I guess she went to sleep. That sounds like a good plan, I'll just close my eyes for a couple minutes. 

I closed my eye and the world swirled black.

Bethan's P.O.V

I woke up and found myself alone on the sofa. My head pivoted on my neck as I looked around the room. I began the journey that is getting up and eventually hauled my body from my prison of comfort. I heard crashes from the kitchen and made my way over.

"Guys, I don't know what you're doing, but we have to go, now, I'm going to give you 5 minutes before we're gonna leave, got it?" I yelled over my shoulder as I turned away from the kitchen door (after assuring that Chloe and Jason were really there). I heard rustling in the kitchen as they grabbed whatever they thought was useful. I went into my room and acquired my rucksack. I made my way to the door as I unzipped the bag. I thrust the bag in their general direction and gestured for them to put the stuff they grabbed into it. They had raided my cupboards and secured most of the tinned food, a couple of knives, medicine a blanket and a can opener. 

"Alright, lets head out team!" I struck a fabulous pose and strut towards the door. I heard giggles and deep laughter, I slightly smiled to myself and swung the door open.

There was a shocked yelp, not from my mouth, and then- from my mouth- came a string of profanities. I was knocked flat on my arse and I looked upwards one eye closed and rubbing the back of my head animatedly.

"Dude, as good as that was at mildly irritating me, that's not going to kill. Swing harder man!" I saw that the person that had hit me over the head was a nervous, shaking teen with a sawn-off shotgun trembling with his hand.

"Bethan!" Chloe and Jason cried out in unison.

"Why would you do that?!" Chloe was furious.

"Why are you giving him advice on how to kill you better!?" Jason was clearly unimpressed with me.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry! I, I... I didn't mean to! Please for-forgive me!" the lanky teen had spikey hair and his lower lip trembled as his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Well now I feel bad," I grasp Jason's extended hand and pull myself up, "So, what your name, or am I gonna have to call ya 'Killer'?" I said it with mocking in my tone, a lopsided smirk that stretched across my face.

"I... I'm Leonardo, please, j-just call me Leo." he stuttered his way through his sentence and slightly bowed. Ah, so he's of oriental descent, he has been showing the typical behaviour of a more refined culture.

"'Leonardo'? Like the ninja turtle?" I cracked up laughing and held my aching stomach.

"For fuck sake Bethan!" Jason, my bestie, always count on him to make me feel awesome.

"Oh god, Bethan, stop!" Chloe, my bestie, I can always count on her to 'appreciate' my puns and shitty jokes.

"W-what? No!" And this newcomer, he hit me over the head before he even met me. I like him, maybe we can rope him into coming along with our rag-tag group. Hehe, yeah, that's what I'll do! 

Sup!! Me again, so, a new addition! maybe... I don't know yet, if you want to talk to me, just message me!! Anyway, if you're reading this, thanks for your time! ^-^

Ahh crap....Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora