"Okay class. Today, we're gonna work on your mirroring skills and controlling your emotions. We'll start practicing today in partners and you will perform a scene in front of the class next week," Mr. Adal said.

The class groaned in response and he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, class! You're in drama class! You're supposed to work on your emotions! That's practically the main lesson of this whole course. Now, let me finish. You guys will be in partners and you will have to come up with a scene that has drama, or comedy, or action, or anything that conjures up yours AND the audience's emotion. You will all perform in a week, so make it good. It will count as 10% of your mark."

"How long does it have to be?" I asked after raising my hand.

"Thanks for reminding me about that, Liam. It has to be about 5 minutes long. Remember: the main component is to capture the audience with your emotions. Make us all laugh, mesmerized, cry, scared, and especially capture our attention. Make it seem like we're really experiencing the whole skit with you," Mr Adal replied enthusiastically.

"Now, I know you might hate me for this, but I have assigned you all in partners. Don't complain. I just think that with the partners you will have, he or she will bring out the best performance in you. I want your emotions expressed to the max, so no holding back. Just let it all out! If you end up hating your partner, then show that in your performance. It still counts whether you like them or not," he continued.

We all groaned and braced ourselves when he started naming us off in partners. Please don't put me with a girl...Not a girl......

"...Zayn and Perrie, you 2 will work together cuz I know you have great chemistry together. Niall and Demi, you 2 might surprise yourselves when working together," Mr. Adal named off.

Niall blushed and looked to Demi, who smiled at him and blushed. Aren't they just cute?!

"Louis and Eleanor, you're already together anyways, so why not be partners?. And last but not least...Liam and Harry! THAT is the duo I'm most excited to see!" Mr. Adal exclaimed happily.

"What?!" I said in shock. I looked over at Harry beside me and he just smirked at me.

"Yeah, you 2! I wanna see you both 'wow' me with the best performance ever! I know you both can do it. You are both the best in class. You should both be happy to work together," Mr. Adal said.

"Oh, I am, sir," Harry surprised me by saying this out loud. In fact, the whole class was shocked to hear him say that too.

I looked at him then at Niall. Niall just shrugged at me and when I looked at Zayn and Little Mix, the nodded at me. What does that mean? Did they really think this was okay? Not that I minded working with Harry and his hotness, but still! I might not even focus on working on a skit with him! I'll just be busy undressing him with my eyes! 

"Now that you know your partners, get up and mirror each other! Mirror exercises, everyone! One person lead, then when I say 'switch', the other person will lead. Got it?" Mr. Adal said and the class mumbled 'yesses'.

I got up slowly and faced Harry. "Hey partner," he said to me, smirking sexily.

"H- Hey...Let's just do this, okay? I don't want to get in trouble," I said.

"Sure thing, partner. So, do you wanna lead first, or should I?" Harry asked.

"I- I'll lead first, and you follow," I replied, moving my hand and Harry followed.

Mr. Adal was walking around and commenting at times. "Remember: you can also copy their emotions and expressions on their faces. Watch their whole body language and copy that. It can be helpful when you're trying to get an emotion across for the audience to see," he said to the whole class.

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