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Chapter 8 : " KIM . YONG . JI . WILL . YOU . BE . MY . UNICORN . BACK "


Hi , I know that this chapter is a little confused and weird but please understand , when I wrote this I'm only in my 5th grade 

So ... The day goes by like this ,
Without Taehyung beside ,
Ordering me ,
Its kinda weird .

I'm currently  eating breakfast with mom and she started with asking me a question , " How's Taehyung ? "

I chocked and quickly grab the orange juice . . " Err ... I-- I don't know ... May-- maybe his busy " 

She nodded a 'yes' before continue reading on her newspaper .

I grab a slice of bread , spreading it with some jams and moves to the shoes area . Grabbing my white shoes ( as usual ) . " Mom ! I'm going love youu " I said before grabbing on the door knob .

I look at the watch on my wrist , its 7.35 ! " I'm going to be late !!!!! " I shouted and starts to fasten my walk .


I arrives at school at eight o'clock which is late ! I walks to the shoes area , grabbing my rubber shoe .

I close the locker and walks straightly until I bumped onto someone . " Ouch " I said . 

I don't know who it is but boy the person I bumped on sure is tall . 

" Yah ! Are you blind or what !? " the person I bumped to , shout  . Wait ... Isn't this is Taehyung ? I bravely looks at who I bumped to and its .... KIM . TAE . HYUNG .

" Sorry " I said and walk pass him . Before I could walk further , he pulled me by my wrist making me to face his front . " What do you want ? " I ask , in an annoying tune . 

I'm trying to get annoyed by him . I tried ! 

" I'm sorry " he apologized . I was blur , what ? Apologize ? For what ? . " I'm sorry I end the game " he said , looking down on his feet . 

" Oh " that's what came out from my mouth . Taehyung look at me with the confused  look . " Nothing " I chuckled. 

" Do you accept back if I said I wanted our game to continue  ? " he ask , looking into my eyes .

" Are you kidding ? " I ask . This  is confusing .

" No " he replied . " Kim Yong Ji , will you accept it back if I ask too  " he continues .

My jaw was no longer shuts and was opening . " Wh-- what ? " I shuttered . " Wasn't ending the game was your though ? " I ask .

He let go a heavy sigh before continue "No  " . 

I folds my hand on my chest , waiting for his explaining .

" I was-- " Taehyung was cut by someone .

" Kim Yongji ! Kim Taehyung ! Meet me at the office after school's ends ! " someone shouted . Taehyung turned and I poop my head out , looking who was it . OH MY LORD ! its the principal !!!!!

We both nodded before the principal glared at us and walks away .

" I hate you " I said .

" Why ? " Taehyung ask .

" For making us meeting the principal ! " I said

" Aw ! At least the person who's going to meet the principal with you is me  , KIM . TAE . HYUNG " he said , chuckling .

" Well , lets go to class before anyone saw us " I said .


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After getting much hates messages , I decided to edit this book and I changed some of it but I didn't want to change the characters , especially the support characters . I won't make things confused but I do hope everyone understands me . 

Like my old fanfic which is My Enemy Is My Bias ?! , I deleted it because mostly people be texting me giving me some negatives words and I decided to delete it but for Unicorn , I don't want to delete this story . But I am gonna re edit this book . 


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