Chapter 2:Plan B.

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Astrid P.O.V

We are at the park, thinking of plan b. So that Hiccup wont tured into a full gay. I mean i check his phone he has a lot of girly games.

"We need a plan b. If this wont work, we dont know whats gonna happend"Snotloud said"yeah if this wont work, he would eberrassbent"Fishlegs said"any suggestions?"Fishlegs added"i got a idea"Tuffnut said"anyone else"Fishlegs said"i got one, we need help something that will make him a full guy"Snotloud said, Snotloud and Fishlegs staired at me like i kill someone while the twins are in a confused look"uhh can anyone tell us whats the great idea"Tuffnut said"we need Hiccup a girlfriend"Fishlegs said"but who?"i ask"you"Snotloud & Fishlegs said at the same time"ME!!"i said in shock"yeah, who else would it be?, your the only girl that he's close with"Fishlegs said"Ruffnut she can be Hiccup's girlfriend"i said"WHY ME?! WHYYYY??!"Ruffnut said overeacting"fine, i'll do it"i said.

"But we should tell Hiccup"i said"no the plan wont work"Snotloud said"but im sure he dont want to be a gay too. If we tell him maybe the plan will work"i said"go tell him! Goo Tell him the plan"Tuffnut said"guys?"i ask them if they agreed with the twins"Go on"Snotloud & Fishlegs said.

Meanwhile while telling Hiccup....

"YOU WHAT?!?!"Hiccup said so shock"Why did uou agreed, you know i can handle it by myself, why?"he ask"Im so sorry but i cannot, not agreed with them"i said so down"when do we start?"he ask while my eyes wide open"so you agreed?"i ask"yeah i cnat let you seing like this but remember this is a fake relationship"he said"i'll remember it"i said.

So Hiccup agreed?

Just wanna ask, any suggestions for the book??

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