Fate and Free Will (Where's the Line)

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...Low key I should be writing for my batman fic lol.

Anyways here's Jasper!! This is just him explaining some stuff, and then we're back to Wren and we get more Cullen interaction in the next chapter, but I promise next time I write Jasper we'll get to see Wren/Jasper interaction from his POV.

I've never written him before, and I'm not sure how this came out but idk.


She smelled like sugar.

From what little he could remember of his time before immortality, Jasper knew that he had always been a reserved man. He had a strong moral sense that not even vampirism had stolen, and it lived within him when a beating heart could not. He knew when respect as due, and how to show it appropriately. He knew when to step back and keep to himself, and he knew how to conduct himself when something needed to be said or done. At his core, Jasper was a pacifist.

Most of the time.

But, for all of Jasper's calmer tendencies, there was still a part of him that was a little bit wilder. That part of him was what had allowed him to break free of Maria's clutches despite the attachment he'd had to her. That part of him was what craved knowledge, tactic, and order. That part of him was what allowed for his brutality in battle. That part of him was what created the soldier that was in his very soul.

That part of him was The Major, and when Wren Kitt had walked into Forks's unimpressive little lunchroom smelling like some old granny's kitchen right after she'd finished making dessert, he'd stood at attention without leaving any room for dismissal.

It had been right then and there, when his disappointingly amber eyes had met startled brown, that the Major had developed a sweet tooth.

Jasper, for all of his reservation, hadn't had it in him to do anything about that, evening knowing how dangerous it could be.

Now at nearly 164 years old, he did know better than to let such an unpredictable variable go. A good tactician knew that wild cards could spell disaster in the long run, and it was always better to be safe than sorry. Jasper was nothing if not a shrewd planner, but this time he knew he couldn't eliminate the threat.

Because even if Alice hadn't told him of Wren's existence the very first day they'd met, he'd have known what she was by the way she made his dead heart ache to beat again. They'd been surrounded by too many scents for him to notice at first without actively looking for her.

There had been too many scents, too many noises, and just over all too much for him to focus on for him to notice her when she'd first walked into the lunchroom, but once he'd heard her...

Once he'd heard her voice, soft and slightly raspy as she posed her innocent question about who he was, he'd been caught. She hadn't said anything more, but her acquaintances had spoken and against his usual behavior, he'd turned to look.

As soon as he'd pin pointed her location, he had been able to find her scent, and all of his carefully won control had been shot.

Wide eyes, an innocent face, and a scent so sweet it made his mouth water had triggered an instinct in him that he had never been aware of before...

And for the first time, he realized just why the love he felt from Carlisle and Esme was so intense. Why the emotions from Rosalie and Emmet when they were around each other trumped anything else.

Why Peter had been willing to forsake Maria for Charlotte, when the former had an entire army behind her.

He'd discovered what it felt like to find the other half of your soul, and before he could stop himself, he'd projected his need to simply claim her right then and there. Focused as he was, he'd been able to feel the second her mild curiousness had been flushed out in favor of the pure need he'd unintentionally projected, and he was ashamed at how easily having her project his own desire back at him had broken his control.

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