35. Going home

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  • Dedicated to all my readers

Our three days in France were amazing. However, we did have this interview... Again, they obviously asked about me and Harry. However, this interview had a twist... And that twist was Iris. Somehow, someone did manage to take pictures from her and Liam in the zoo. We all saw them for the first time when we were in the interview. It was kind of weird. Liams eyes grew wide, like they'd pop out at any moment. He denied nothing though. He did call her a friend. Well, not I think about it, maybe that's the truth. Maybe they're friends. Maybe he didn't ask her to be his girlfriend yet... I don't even know to be honest.

"Niall?", I hear, interupting me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, Li?", I answer.

"Well... Do you think I should ask Iris if she's okay with the world knowing about our relationship yet?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, they've got pictures. They've got rumours. Matter of time before they find her."

"True. I'll call her.", he says and turns to walk away. 

"Wait, why don't you ask her to come over? We're free anyways, before we leave for the US."

"THAT'S AN AMAZING IDEA!", Liam squeals excitedly. 

"Thank you very much!", I laugh and I watch Liam dissappear through the door. 

Oh, I should maybe update you on my location. We're at the studio in London, before we're let of to our own homes for a week. Well, Liam, Harry and I, since Louis and Zayn just left. I'm spending three days at Harry's and three days at mine. A good introduction would be appreciated by both our parents by this time I guess. I mean, we met each others families briefly, but yeah...

Anyhow, the next person that comes through the door is my Hazza. 

"Hey, I just heard Jimmy has safely arrived at my mum's.", he says in a soft tone as he sits next to me and nuzzles his face in my neck.

"Yay! Hopefully he'll like your mum as much as he likes you!", I smile.

"He will. Thank you again for buying him. He's the best gift ever, Ni. I love him!"

"No need to thank me. After all you did for me."

"Hmm...", Harry mumbles. He has fallen asleep.

"I CALLED HER!", Liam shouts as he runs into the room again.

"Shht!", I shush him. Harry, however, hasn't heard a thing and is still happily snoring.

"Oh sorry! Well, I called Iris and she's coming here tomorrow! That means she'll go with me to Wolverhampton and OMG!", Liam now whispers excitedly. I've never seen him so worked up over a girl. You know, it's cool to know these inside things... It's weird too. As a fan, you only get the rumours, I get the facts now. I am the facts now... OMG!

"I'm happy for you!

Liam and I chat for a little longer. Then Paul comes in.

"Niall and Harry, your car is ready to go to the airport. If you'd please follow me?", he says.

"Of course, Paul. But...", I answer and I motion to Harry, who's now slightky shifted and is lying awkwardly with his head on my chest.

"Don't worry.", Paul says and he picks Harry up like he weighs nothing. Seriously, Paul is strong...

"Thanks!", I say and I get mine and Harry's suitcases.

"Shall I carry one? Then you can carry your guitar too.", Liam offers. I gladly accept.

When we arrive at the car, Paul puts Harry down in the backseat. I place the luggage in the trunk. Then I sit next to Harry. I wave Liam goodbye. Zayn and Louis left earlier today. Liam will leave tomorrow, he needs a flight to Birmingham, which goes only tomorrow. We need a flight no Manchester, since that is closest to Holmes Chapel.

I'm actually really excited to see Harry's family again, since Anne was really nice, but at the same time terrified. Last time, I saw them for like a day and then we left again. What if they won't like me after 3 days? 

I slowly start humming along to the radio. It explains what I feel right now perfectly.

It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are

What my dreams are made of

Can't fall asleep, can't fall asleep 

I lay in my bed awake, in my bed awake at night

As I dream of you

I'll fall in love, you'll fall in love

It could mean everything, everything to me

I can't imagine being anywhere else

They say that love is forever

Your forever is all that I need

Please stay as long as you need

Can't promise that things won't be broken

But I swear that I will never leave

Please stay forever with me

It is James Dean & Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens, the acoustic version.


"We're here.", Paul says. I realise I must have fallen asleep too. I pry my eyes open and adjust to my environment. Paul has parked the car in the Heathrow parking lot. Beside me, Harry is slowly waking up too. He gives me a shy smile before stretching and getting out of the car. I follow and we walk to our departures. 

thank the Lord it's so late. We can walk with barely any fan contact. Don't get me wrong, we love you guys, but when we're tired and want to go home, it's nice if we can just relax a bit. 

"Bye, guys, have fun at home, see you in a week!", Paul says as a word of goodbye.

"Bye, Paul. Have fun at home too!", Harry says. I just smile and wave, not being able to say something now. Way too tired.

"Flight 20034 to Manchester Airport boarding now!", the intercom announces. 

"That's us... Let's go.", Harry says and he takes my hand to walk to the gates. We show our tickets and quickly get on the plane, without too much hassle. 

"Ready for take off.", the pilot says and we're gone. As we're at maximum height, I unbuckle my seatbelt, pull the armrest in between me and Harry up and snuggle into him, just to fall asleep again.

Now we wait. We're almost home.


I AM SO SORRY! This really sucks and omg... But well, here it is! Almost done... :( UGH! I can't... Nope. 

:/ xxx

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