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 {Chapter 3: Farkle wouldn't like this}

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{Chapter 3: Farkle wouldn't like this}

"Alright, alright we've spent the past few days all three of us catching up, I also got to know Smackle and she's a great girl, you guys ignored your friends texts for me. Can we just relax at home? before I have to go to school tomorrow?" Axel asked the twins as Rose sat on the bed and Nathan standing next to her in the guest bedroom there dad gave Axel. "Alright fine" Rose says pouting.

"Well i'm going to work with dad I'm helping out, so i'll see you guys tonight" Nathan says kissing his sisters head and walking out the room. And Rose turns back to Axel. "I haven't seen you in almost a month and all you want to do is sit?" Rosie says sarcastically. "Yes is that to much to ask?" Axel says trying not to hurt the young Latina's feelings.

"Yes" She said blankly. "Then were watching Teen Wolf and your going to like it" Rose says walking out the room.

"Of course anything for you, my queen" Axel says sarcastically. Just as Rosie got the TV set up to watch Teen Wolf there was a knock at the door. Rose looks at Axel. "I don't know anyone to text" Axel says putting his hands up in surrender.

Rose opens the door to see Lucas, just as she was about to speak. "You two haven't been answering your phones, and- and you guys missed school yesterday" Lucas said rushed, walking into the home. Then he sees a boy sitting on there couch. "Who's he? You know Farkle's not going to like this" Lucas says looking at the boy then giving Rose with a knowing look.

"For the last time we aren't together" Rosie says stomping her foot. "And this is my best friend from New Orleans where we were stationed at last" Rose says annoyed that Lucas is ruining there last day of peace.

"Besides he's not for me" She added whispering. "Oh well I'm gonna go then see you tomorrow at school" Lucas says awkwardly scratching his neck, walking out the door.

"Nope, you ruined our last day of peace now your gonna watch Teen Wolf with us" Rose says pulling Lucas into the apartment closing the door. "What's that?" Lucas says confused letting her pulling him knowing he doesn't stand a chance against the young Latina, even if she's smaller than everyone.

1| I'm Not The Only One// Girl Meets WorldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt