Chapter 8

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"He's here to make amends." Hendrix said walking in the door. "Who, and why?" I responded snarkily. I'm in one of my worst moods and I just want to be left alone by everyone. Tori will come by later, and I'm okay with that, but so many people have knocked on the door wanting to see Hendrix today it's annoying as fuck. "What's up with you grumpy?" he joked. I'm not in the mood so I reply, "All your pain in the ass friends have been coming by today, and all I wanted was to actually be alone today." "Oh, so little Ms. I need attention doesn't want any today? I get it." I scowl at him, and walk off to my room to sleep the day away.

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After my nap I am in a much better mood. So, I walk out into the living room to ask Hendrix about what he meant earlier, but he's not there. So, I search the house and he isn't in either bathrooms or the kitchen. I went to Hendrix's room last, and there he was napping peacefully. I went to leave. "Stay with me?" he asks half asleep. "Of course..." I murmured then carefully laid down next to him. "Do you-" I couldn't understand the rest because he was turning to face me. Our noses almost touched, "What?" I asked with some fear of what he might say. "Do you-do you love me?" I was confused...why wouldn't I? "Well... yeah I do,a-a lot actually." I started to stutter. Then, his lips were against mine and we were kissing. I saw fireworks. Then, there was a ding of the doorbell and the amazing moment was gone. I answered the door and, of course, it was Victoria. "Tori, I love you, but you have the worst timing." "Did I ruin a moment?" she asked jokingly. "Yes, yes you did, smart ass." "You can kiss your boyfriend later darling. Right now, we have training to do." "Alright, just help me move the furniture." We move all the couches, chairs, the table, and the TV out of the living room, to clear a place for our training session. "Now, I just need to look the part. Be right back." I said walking off to my room. I found some training clothes and notes and went back to the living room, ready to spear. So, for the next hour or so we practiced physical combat, and using our surroundings. "You're doing great!" I encouraged her. "Yeah, but you'll always be top of the class." she said between heavy breaths. "Oh shut up, you're ten times better." I struggled to say because I was so tired. "Did you even check the grades when we graduated?" she said surprised. "Actually, I never did, who got first spot?" I asked, surprised myself. "You!" she said excitedly. "No, I couldn't have!" I said almost excited. "Yeah, I got second spot. that's why they chose you to go to the promised land..." she said looking at me almost sadly. She knew how I felt about this damned trip. "Don't worry about me I'll be okay." I said calming her down. "Now go home and rest, you need it." I hugged her goodbye, but when she didn't let go I waited. "He's trying to find you...I won't let him get to you." She whispered in my ear. "I am forever grateful..." I whispered back to her, then we stepped back from the embrace. She left closing the door lightly. I went back in the living room to lay on the floor, stare at the ceiling, and think.

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It's been a good few days since Eric has come back and he has confronted many of my friends about where I am. I am very proud to know that I have friends who would be so protective of me. Hendrix walks in from a short training session, an his face is bruised and bleeding. "What the hell happened to you?" I ran over to him, placing a hand lightly on either one of his cheeks. "Eric....he came by and asked where his 'girlfriend' was, I told him you weren't his anymore..." He pulled away from me angrily. "So he did this to you?" I said upset. " should've seen what I did to him..." he said with a hint of pride in his voice. "Let me help you!" I said and pulled out the emergency kit. "I'll be fine." he said laughing and my worriedness. "Hendrix, sit your ass down right now!" I scolded him. "Ya know, you're kinda sexy when you're mad..." he said trying to be cute. "Ya know, shut up." I mocked him. He laughed, but then gasped in pain when I started to disinfect the large cut on his forehead. "Sorry." I droned, but what could I do, it wasn't my fault. When I finally finished cleaning the blood, disinfecting the cuts, etc. I let him off and found a book, went to my room, and read for awhile.

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