Chapter 4

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I'm still waiting for an apology from him, so I don't say anything. He talks to our friends for awhile, then he walks over to me, just how I wish he wouldn't.

"Don't talk just listen. Al, I was going to say I was in love with you, which I don't even know it's true and I didn't want to lie to you. I miss my best friend. I just want you back in my life. I'll do anything if you just forgive me, please!"

I can't help but be shocked. Then, next thing you know, I kiss him with the same passion he kissed me at the party. A few seconds later the tattoo artist came back with a mirror so that I can see my tattoo. It's finally done. It. Looks. Amazing.

My tattoo is my zodiac symbol a Sagittarius, in black and white. Perfect what I imagined it. Everyone is crowded around me staring at it now they think it's amazing. Next week we'll be back for Victoria's and Eric's tattoos, but for now we are going for a drink.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Beep! Beep! Beep! I can barely hear my alarm clock even though I don't need it. It's my day off today so I'm going to sleep in. It's been a week since we all got our tattoos and now we're done with school, which means the selection for the promised generation begins tomorrow. Eric and I have seen each other a few times since then. I guess,...I do...have some feelings for him; I'm just not sure what kind of feelings they are. Do I love him as my best friend, or my boyfriend?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hear the doorbell, and there's Eric with a bouquet of flowers and he's nicely dressed ready to go out. "I didn't know we were doing anything today," I greet him with surprise. " I thought I'd surprise you today." he replies, and kisses me on the cheek. "What should I wear?", I ask looking down at my messy pj's. "Something nice, anything you'd like..." he responds. So, I go to my bedroom and I find a simple blue and white floral print sundress and put it on with a pair of strapy heeled sandals. And walk back to the living room. "You look lovely, are you ready?", he says to me. Then we walk outside. "Where's your car?", I ask. "You're right in front of it.", he smirks. We are standing in front of a 2013 matte black camero, a car I loved the day my grandfather showed me a picture of his old one. "H-how?", I stutter. "Your grandfather had some tricks up his sleeve," he says and walks to open my door. I get in, in awe, and he shuts the door and gets it the drivers seat. Then we start driving to wherever we are going. The sun hits my face warming me, then the wind blows hair into my face ruining my perfect moment. It's a lovely day for a long drive. "This is unbelievable!" I had to scream over the rush of the winds. It was one of the happiest moments in my life and I didn't want to let go of it. Then, we pulled into a parking lot near a beautiful beach. Eric pulls a blanket out from the trunk. "Shall we?", he says with a smirk. I nod and he takes my hand. He sets out the blanket and we sit in blissful silence taking in the beauty. Then he starts to say something, but before he can get the words out, there's a large explosion behind us.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Al? Al!"


"Help! Somebody please she's dying."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Where the fuck am I?" I found myself in someone else's room, in someone else's bed, wearing someone else's clothes, and I wasn't at Eric's. I get up to find myself dizzy so I stable myself and walks out into the small apartment. I find my way to the kitchen. I hear a door open so i grab the thing closest to me to protect myself. Thankfully, for me it happened to be a knife. "Al, are you awake yet?", I knew that voice, it was Hendrix. I put down the knife and find him in his guard uniform in the living room. "How long has it been since the accident?", I start to bombard him with questions. "What happened to Eric?" "Why am I all bandaged up?" "Why'd you bring me here?" "Why aren't I in the hospital wing?" "Hendrix!?!", I yelled. Next thing you know, I pass out in his arms. I wake to the feeling of movement. I open my eyes to realize I'm still in Hendrix's arms, but he is carrying me to the couch. "What the fuck? Hendrix?!" I'll explain everything later," he replies, "For now you need rest." I give up and fall quietly to sleep with my head on his shoulder.

The World Jumper (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें