The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-six

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My eyes grew wide as I heard the words; I was thinking moments ago, leave her lips. How on earth could she have known what I thinking. This wasn’t the first time that she seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

     “I don’t understand how could you even…” I said before she cut me off.

     “I can hear your thoughts.” She said looking me right in the eyes.

     “But that’s impossible.” I replied.

     “Well I don’t know what to tell you, except it is possible and I can.” She replied looking down again.

     “So you’re telling me that you can read minds?” I asked still a little unsure or not to believe her.

     “Yes and you don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to.” She replied.

I watched as she lifted her slowly and looked at me with pleading eyes, I knew instantly that she was telling the truth. I noticed that as I started to believe her eyes lit up and small smile played at her pale lips. I was glad that I was able to make her feel better, I was glad she trusted me enough to share her secret. I wanted her to feel accepted for who she was, after all she’s family.

     “Thanks.” She said smiling down at me.

     “What for?” I asked.

     “Believing me and accepted me for Me.” she replied saying my thought out loud.

     “No problem that’s what family is for.” I said smiling back u at her.


(Tyler’s POV)

     I screamed out in frustration. I jumped up and grabbed the nearest rock, throwing it as hard as I could into the pool. I need this plan to work but that doesn’t look likely when I’m failing at the first hurdle. I picked up another rock, three times as big as the last one and hurled it into the water. Just as I bent down to pick up another large rock, a familiar scent hit me. The scent I’d been searching for all day. I got up and turned towards the source.

     “Such a temper little boy.” Lucia said, sounding rather amazed.

She was crouched down defensively on a boulder, looking down at me from the edge of the clearing. She looked different from her usual self. She was wearing a black baggy hoodie, with the hood up. Her long wavy hair seemed to be up but a few loose curls hung around her face. She was also wearing a pair of black jogging bottoms and dark trainers. She had no make-up on or anything, she looked natural and perfect. I shook the thought from my head, I knew for a fact she was not perfect.

    “I’m not a boy!” I said as she leapt off the boulder and walked slowly towards me.

     “You’ve been looking for me, why?” she asked fiercely.

     “I…I need your… help.” I struggled to say.

I hated the fact I had to ask for her help of all people. I knew this would be a long shot, and I seriously doubted that she would really want to help Mia and Luca, but she had something I needed.

     “You want my help? YOU want MY help? Not so long ago you were trying to get me struck by lighten!” she shouted.

I tried as hard as I could not to smile at the memory.

     “I’m willing to put that behind me. I need your gift.” I said slowly taking a step towards her.

    “What gift?” she asked crossing her arms across her chest.

     “I know you know what I’m on about.” I answered, getting a little bit irritated.

     “Nope sorry not a clue.” She replied turning to leave.

I closed the distance between us and grabbed hold of her arm.

     “Stop playing dumb with me. I need your help, you’re their only hope!” I growled loudly.

    “Well if by that you mean the little bitch and Luca, you can take a run and jump!” she shouted pulling her arm from my grip.

Without thinking I charged at her, knocker her to the ground. We struggled for a moment until I pinned her hands above her head.

     “The only bitch here is you!” I growled, making her buck and squirm beneath me.

      “I will never help her!” she growled back at me, before spitting in my face.

My body began to trembled, she was infuriating me.

     “Don’t you ever do that again!” I shouted down at her.

     “Or what? What are will YOU do?” she said smugly before spitting in my face.

      “If you carry on you get struck by lighten.” I threatened.

       “I’m not afraid of you.” She said shooting me daggers.

       “Oh but you should be.” I said smiling evilly as a bolt of lightning struck metres away from us.

I felt her body flinch from under me.

     “That was just a fluke.” She said sounding a little panicked.

      “Wanna bet?” I said as another bolt hit on the other side of us a little closer than the last one.

I could see the fear in her eyes and instead of enjoying it I felt guilty. For some reason I didn’t like seeing her scared. I would go as far as to say it sadden me.

     “Ok ok stop it, that’s enough please.” She begged as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She looked so vulnerable and fragile, I had to force myself not to wipe away the tear and comfort her. I had no idea what coming over me.

      “So are you going to help me or not?” I asked.

      “I told you I don’t know what gift you’re talking about.” She said trying not to look me in the eyes.

      “I know you can control people’s emotions Lucia so stop lying.” I said, making her eyes grow wide.

      “How do you know?” she asked.

     “I’ve seen you use it on the men in pack.” I said looking her in the eyes.

     “How come it doesn’t work on you?” she asked, her body beginning to relax a little bit.

     “I’m gifted like you, hence the lighten. Now are you going to help me or not?” I asked once more.

She stayed quiet for moment.

     “Ok.” She said looking up at me.

As I looked down at her I noticed her eyes sparkle for a brief moment sending a wave of heat soaring through my body. My hands tingled against her skin, like sparks of electricity. I quickly let go of her and jumped to my feet.

     “I’ve told you you’re gift doesn’t work on me so don’t bother.” I said crossing my arms across my chest.

     “I wasn’t.” she said propping herself on her elbows.

I looked deep into her eyes, she was telling the truth. So if she wasn’t using her gift, what just happened?


The girl who cried wolf ( PG13 version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin