Chapter 3: Mayuge Love 1000% (Vocaloid)

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It’s another World Meeting and we all know that Alfred wouldn’t like to miss any of those but it seems he’ll be late.

 “Dammit!” cursed Alfred then he remembered Madeline was sleeping with him so he turned around much to his surprise Madeline wasn’t there “Maddie?!”

 “I’m in the kitchen!” replied Madeline “Cooking breakfast”

 Alfred got out of his bed and checked his cell phone Arthur texted him, well actually its Alice but in his cell phone its Arthur saying “I can’t come today’s meeting I’m busy” Alfred frowned at this and walked to the kitchen.

“Morning, Alfred” greeted Madeline holding a plate of pancakes on the other hand is a frying pan

 “Morning,” grumbled Alfred “Arthur’s not coming for the meeting”

 “Why so down?” asked Madeline

 “Because,” said Alfred, “nobody will call me git” he pouted

 “I see,” said Madeline placing a plate of pancakes in front of Alfred, “after this I’m going home”

 “Wha?” said Alfred surprised, “you can’t leave me yet!”

 “Stop acting like a child,” snapped Madeline, “I’ve got a lot of things to do to, you know”

 “B-but you can still accompany me” begged Alfred “pwease?”

 “Sheesh” said Madeline irritated “just today and by the way I’ll take Kumashishi with me”


 “Matthew’s bear”


 After eating breakfast both of them get dressed and readied for the meeting as for Madeline she brought along Kumajiro with her. Alfred’s driving the car towards the meeting in Germany. He kept on poking Madeline every time the stoplight will turn red to keep him busy as for Madeline it’s annoying she tried stop him but failed. Now, they’ve arrived the meeting place.

 “Any way why do you want me to be here?” asked Madeline coming out of the car

“To introduce you to other nations” said Alfred smiling locking the car

 They walked together inside the German building without talking to each other and reached the room conference when suddenly Maybelle appeared out of nowhere…

 “Hiya!” greeted Maybelle “it seems you guys are getting to know each other eh?”

 “tsk” said Madeline quietly

 “My, my” said Maybelle smiling “it seems the shy quiet girl became blunt, eh”

 “Oi! Maybelle” interrupted Alfred, “Where’s Iggy?”

 “Didn’t he texted you?”

“Well, I received it but he said he’s busy”

 “There,” said Maybelle proudly “he got a reason”

 “But what was he busy with?”

 “I don’t know stuffs, maybe”

 Meanwhile Francis and Alice came to the meeting room bickering…

 “It’s your fault!” shouted Alice “not my fault”

 “I didn’t did it on purpose” reasoned Francis “I was not trying to rape you”

 “Bogger me,” said Alice irritated and then she saw Alfred and Madeline “Madeline~” she sang

 “M-Miss Kirkland” greeted Madeline shyly, “how’s your night?”

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