Chapter 5- The Sorting Ceremony

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Melissa, Harry, Ron and Seamus all got to know each other as they started to cross the lake. The castle was also brought up in conversation often. Things such as:

"How are we going to find our way round?"

"Are our lessons in there?"

"How do so many students fit in?"

"What house are you hoping for?"

"House? What do you mean?"

"Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The dorms."

Were often discussed. At first Melissa had been worried that she wouldn't fit in at all but Harry barely knew anything about the wizarding world either which was comforting to know.

"Nearly there now!" Hagrid called from the front. The castle seemed even bigger up close. Melissa could barely believe that this was her school! She decided to look in the water when all of a sudden, two big, slimy tentacles came out and grabbed her. Melissa thought she was seeing things at first until she was lifted out the boat.

"HARRY!" she shrieked, trying to grab his cloak as he was nearest before she was dragged beneath the surface of the water. Melissa was surprised at how warm it was. The chatter of eager students had been blocked out and she couldn't help but feel calm. She looked at the thing connected to the tentacles and was shocked to see a giant squid. He looked lonely, as if he had no one to talk to. Melissa felt sorry for him as she realised his sad smile. A second after, she remembered that she couldn't breath underwater. She grabbed her throat as her last bit of oxygen escaped her. Panic filled the squid's eyes and he quickly pushed her up to the surface.

"Melissa!" Harry, Ron, Hermione and Seamus screamed as she emerged, gasping for breath. Hagrid had stopped the boats so they were all around her and he hoisted her out the water.

"Are you alrigh'?" he asked.

"Yes." she gasped, "just cold."

"Well have my jacket until we get ter the castle. McGonagoll will dry you off." Hagrid said as he gave her a coat ten sizes too big. She rejoined Harry, Ron and Seamus who asked endless questions about what happened. She answered them patiently but did wish the attention would leave her soon. They all climbed out the boats and started making their way up to the school.

"How do the other students arrive?" Harry asked.

"I'll ask Fred and George later." Melissa promised him.

"Shouldn't that be my job?" Ron asked.

"They prefer me." Melissa said, causing Harry to laugh.

"True probably." Ron agreed reluctantly. The trio climbed up two staircases before entering a chamber. Melissa saw Professor McGonagoll inside and Hagrid beckoned her forwards. Melissa obeyed and the two arrived infront of the witch.

"What exactly happened to you Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagoll asked.

"The giant squid decided I needed a wash." Melissa smiled. McGonagoll chuckled a little then took out her wand. With a small wave, Melissa felt warm air wash over her body and before she knew it, she was bone dry again.

"Thank you." Melissa said.

"No problem. And I hope to see you in my house Miss Granger." she smiled. Melissa headed back to join everyone else. Unfortunately, she couldn't find anyone she knew.

"What are you doing here?" someone sneered. Melissa whipped around and saw a tall boy with sleek blonde hair pulled back with gel from his pale scalp. Melissa thought he looked ugly.

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