Chapter 1. New Perspective

Start from the beginning

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" Karasuma-sensei shoots Koro-sensei with BB pistol and misses. His face is red in embarrassment.

"Nyurufufufufu~ I'm just happened to be pass the park."

"Liar!" He keeps shooting that stripped yellow-green octopus. Karasuma then notice Asano Gakuho besides Koro-sensei. He becomes more reserved and greets him in formal manner. "Good morning, Mr. Asano. It's such a coincidence to see you in here."

Gakuho smiles, "You don't need to be so formal. Outside the school, I'm only a man just like the others."

Karasuma lets out a deep breath, "Are you tailing Mr. Asano too? You have some nerves."

"No, no, no! Of course not! I still want to live!" Koro-sensei then whispers to Karasuma, "I almost didn't recognize him with his hair down."

"Me too. I thought he was someone else. He looks entirely different in casual clothes."

While Karasuma is talking to Koro-sensei, Gakuho looks after the dogs. He pats one of the big dogs. It sits and flips back the body so Gakuho can rub its stomach. "Sit."

The dog sits downs.


The dog gives their paw to Gakuho.


The dog rolls down on the ground.

"Hahahaha, good boy."

Karasuma and Koro-sensei are stoned, "Why is he so good at handling animal?!"

"All of this is your pet? You're doing a good job taking care of them."

Karasuma is curious, "How do you know?"

"Your Doberman is trained well and I can see from its body, this one likes running a lot. This American Pit Bull Terier has some scar in the body, but it's already taken care. The German Sheperd doesn't look anxious, which mean he has enough train and play. While it is not that necessary, you brush your Siberian-Husky. You also groom all of your dog's nails."

"Mr. Asano, I don't know you're so knowledgeable about dog!"

"Well, I have a pet grooming certificate and became a dog trainer in the past." He is laughing, "Taking care of animal is much easier than taking care of pubescent teen."

Somewhere in Ren's house, Gakushuu is sneezing.

Karasuma takes a glance at his watch, "It's almost times. I have to get back at home."

"Eh, already? You should hang with us!" Koro-sensei begs shamelessly to Karasuma.

#Koro-sensei weakness number 26: If he cannot gather people, he feels worthless.

"I have no time to hang out with monster like you. It's my holiday and I want to continue my work. Besides, I need to feed my pets."

Gakuho then notices something strange, "Hmm? Where is your dog Karasuma?"

Karasuma looks around the park. He lost his dogs along with Koro-sensei. In several second, Koro-sensei appears with different clothes. "I finished took your dog for a walk, I washed, groomed and feed it. Here's the photo!" Koro-sensei gives Karasuma pictures of his dogs, looking confuse than ever. "I even finished your paper work and reported it to your higher up!"

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