A opportunity of a lifetime

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Gigi POV
I got called to my modeling agency's office when I got there I talked to my modeling agency's office.
*Gigi and her manager POV*
M-okay I'm glad you could make it, do you happen to know Christian Kardashian?
M-well, he is a model just like you and I can tell by the look on your face that he is your favorite model.
G-okay, he is my favorite model so what?
M-so, he has a photoshoot coming up and he wants you to model with him.
M-calm down, he wants you to model with him and he wants to meet you, he has a photoshoot coming up he is modeling for Tommy Hilfiger and he is signed to the same modeling agency as you.
G-IMG Models
M-Yes, and he happens to be in the room next door after he finishes he said that he wants to meet you so, stay right there. Christian is very famous and he is also a Reality Television star he makes appearances on KUWTK. I'm going to be in here with you so, you don't mess this door opened up so please DO NOT MESS THIS UP!!!
G-I won't
M-good I hope you don't
*10 minutes later*
Christian POV
After I met with my manager about my photoshoot I went to the room next door to meet with the model that is going to be modeling with me.

Gigi POV
Ten minutes later the door opened and Christian came in. He sat down next to me and he started to talk to my manager.

The model and the Reality T.V. Star:Gigi Hadid Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now